A Complete Pause Menu for an Immersive RP Experience on Your Server with Report includ.
Empower your players with a powerful and intuitive interface. With this customizable pause menu, players can access key information, manage their character, and interact with the server efficiently.
The integration of a quickly accessible report feature is a real advantage.*
The Pause menu can be opened via a command or via ESC or P button adjustable in config.
Everything is, as usual, fully configurable :
[+] Display of time and date
[+] Display of the job
[+] Display of the wallet
[+] Display of player information:
name, first name, age, game session, game ID, number of players on the server, ping
[+] Display of player stats (health, thirst, metabolism)
[+] Direct access to the map
[+] Direct access to settings
[+] Access to a report tab directly in-game
[+] For admins, management of reports in-game
[+] Webhook of reports
[+] Possibility to display Discord and eventually the shop
[+] etc
TEBEX STORE : https://hpk-dev.tebex.io/category/script-1
TEBEX STORE OPEN SOURCE : https://hpk-dev.tebex.io/category/open-source-1
------------------------- OPTIONS PART ---------------------------
PAUSEMENU.EnableEsc = true -- true/false to enable or disable the Esc key to open the pause menu
PAUSEMENU.EnableP = true -- true/false to enable or disable the P key to open the pause menu
PAUSEMENU.Sound = true --If you want a sound when the pause menu is opened
PAUSEMENU.Quit = "HPK PAUSEMENU - https://hpk-dev.tebex.io/"
PAUSEMENU.PingAdress = "https://www.google.com" -- you can ping directly your server with : https://YOUR_IP/players.json or https://www.google.com
PAUSEMENU.MaxPlayers = "512" -- the maximum number of slots - by default we used GetConvarInt('sv_maxclients', default) so it's not mandatory
PAUSEMENU.SetEffect = false -- If you want some effect (Blur, Camera, etc... )
PAUSEMENU.Effect = "SkyTimelapses01" -- https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/graphics/timecycles/timecycles.lua
PAUSEMENU.Discord = true -- If you want Discord Button
PAUSEMENU.LinkDiscord = "https://discord.gg/EXhgGmaqZN" -- Your Discord Link
PAUSEMENU.Store = true -- If you want Store Button
PAUSEMENU.LinkStore = "https://hpk-dev.tebex.io" -- Your Store Link
------------------------- CURRENCY PART --------------------------
PAUSEMENU.Currency = "USD" -- EUR, GBP, USD...
PAUSEMENU.Format = "en-US" -- fr-FR, en-GB, es-ES... for Date/Hour
----------------------- LANGUAGE PART ----------------------------
PAUSEMENU.Language = {
ServerName = "HPK SERVER",
ServerDescription = "Welcome to HPK Server",
Profil = "Profil",
Resume = "Resume",
Map = "Map",
Settings = "Settings",
Report = "Report",
Quit = "Quit",
Job = "Job",
JobLabel = "Grade",
MyAccount = "My Account",
Wallet = "Wallet",
Gold = "Gold",
DirtyMoney = "Dirty Money",
ServerStats = "Server Stats",
GameName = "Game Name",
Age = "Age",
Age2 = "Years Old",
GameSession = "Session Time",
GameId = "Game ID",
Players = "Players",
Ping = "Ping",
CharachterStats = "Character Stats",
Hunger = "Hunger",
Thirst = "Thirst",
Metabolism = "Metabolism",
Store = "Store",
Discord = "Discord",
Sunday = "Sunday",
Monday = "Monday",
Tuesday = "Tuesday",
Wednesday = "Wednesday",
Thursday = "Thursday",
Friday = "Friday",
Saturday = "Saturday"
PAUSEMENU.TranslateReport = {
TopText = "/report",
Title = "REPORTING",
Player = "PLAYER",
Bug = "BUG",
Question = "QUESTION",
Choose = "Choose",
TitleInput = "Title",
Description = "Description",
Cancel = "CANCEL",
Send = "SEND",
Error = "The form is empty",
Report = "REPORT",
Unsolved = "unsolved",
Solved = "solved",
Solving = "solving",
MoreInfo = "MORE INFO",
ReportID = "REPORTS ID :",
Player2 = "PLAYER",
Goto = "GO TO PLAYER",
Solved2 = "SOLVED",
ReportWebhook = "REPORT"
-------------------------- REPORT PART ----------------------------
function PauseReport()
PauseReport(false) -- You can use your own report script if you want
PAUSEMENU.ReportSoundAdmin = true -- if you want to have a bip when a report is created
PAUSEMENU.ReportListCommand = "reportadmin" -- The command that the STAFF use to check the reports (remove the line or put "" to disable the command)
PAUSEMENU.ServerName = 'HPK DEV - Logs Report' -- Write your server's name or what you want
PAUSEMENU.IconURL = 'https://dunb17ur4ymx4.cloudfront.net/webstore/logos/132429aec00579a4d0c2d98812b845bde8151527.png' -- Insert your desired image link
PAUSEMENU.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website - https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html
PAUSEMENU.Webhook = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1251154860028592149/cAlmnmLdbFAuqjfHZuV93m_spvY43RcEzWHz5PoRbaDGI8P-hBd4HlsP7PNqeSg5uazA"--Your webhook if you want to recieve the reports in discord too. "" if you wan't do disable it
------------------------- LINK PART ------------------------------
PAUSEMENU.DiscordLink = ""
PAUSEMENU.StoreLink = ""
----------------------- NOTIFICATION PART ------------------------
PAUSEMENU.Notifications = {
customNotificationClient = function(text)
if PAUSEMENU.Core == "VORP" then
TriggerEvent("vorp:TipRight", text, 5000)
elseif PAUSEMENU.Core == "RSG" then
TriggerEvent("QBCore:Notify", text, "success")
PAUSEMENU.NotificationsServer = {
customNotificationServer = function(text)
if PAUSEMENU.Core == "VORP" then
TriggerServerEvent("vorp:TipRight", source, text, 5000)
elseif PAUSEMENU.Core == "RSG" then
TriggerServerEvent("QBCore:Notify", text, "success")
PAUSEMENU.NoPlayers = "The player is no longer present on the server!"
PAUSEMENU.NewReport = "You have a new report"
- RSG is now compatible with HPK Pause Menu
- Reworked some functions
- Code is faster and more efficient
- Single thread for menu opening verification
Available as open source or simply encoded with CFX (server and client functions visible)
Support and assistance on our Discord : HpK - Dev - FiveM
Code is accessible | No / Yes |
Subscription-based | Yes/No |
Lines (approximately) | 1000 lines + |
Requirements | VORP |
Support | Yes |
Our other scripts RedM