[How-to] Simple Taxi Work by MarkViolla aviable for all cars

I have made this modification to allow you get taxi from any car vehicles.
Credit’s for Taxi Work are to MarkViolla.

Thank’s to Kng for some script snippet’s.

You need: [Release] Simple Taxi Work [UPDATED]

follew the instruction to install it.

edit taxi.lua.


IsVehicleModel(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1)), GetHashKey("taxi", _r)) then

Replace with:

IsThisModelACar(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1)))) then


TaskEnterVehicle(jobs.peds[1], jobs.cars[1], -1, 2, 2.0001, 1)

replace with:

TaskEnterVehicle(jobs.peds[1], jobs.cars[1], -1, 0, 2.0001, 1)


TaskEnterVehicle(jobs.peds[1], jobs.cars[1], -1, 1, 2.0001, 1)

replace with:

TaskEnterVehicle(jobs.peds[1], jobs.cars[1], -1, 0, 2.0001, 1)

save.clear cache server an try.

basically this modification check if you are in a car, then change ped sitting position to frist passenger place.

hope you enjoy it.


Working like a charm :slight_smile:

Can we make it avaible only with cars OWNED by the player ? So players need to first buy cars, instead of just stealing one

The download link from Simple Taxi Work doesn’t work anymore