Config = {
-- Change the language of the menu here!.
-- Note fr and de are google translated, if you would like to help out with translations, feel free to send me an 'issue' on Github.
-- Thank you to those who provided the NL and PT languages.
MenuLanguage = 'de',
-- Set this to true to enable some extra prints
DebugDisplay = false,
-- Set this to false if you have something else on X, and then just use /e c to cancel emotes.
EnableXtoCancel = true,
-- Set this to true if you want to disarm the player when they play an emote.
DisarmPlayer= true,
-- Set this if you really wanna disable emotes in cars, as of 1.7.2 they only play the upper body part if in vehicle
AllowedInCars = true,
-- You can disable the menu here / change the keybind. It is currently set to F3
MenuKeybindEnabled = true,
MenuKeybind = 289, -- Get the button number here
-- You can disable the Favorite emote keybinding here.
FavKeybindEnabled = false,
FavKeybind = 289, -- Get the button number here
-- You can change the header image for the menu here
-- Use a 512 x 128 image!
-- Note this might cause an issue of the image getting stuck on peoples screens
CustomMenuEnabled = true,
MenuImage = "",
-- You can change the menu image by pasting a link above. It must be the same width and length
-- You can change the menu position here
MenuPosition = "right", -- (left, right)
-- You can enable or disable the Ragdoll keybinding here.
RagdollEnabled = true,
RagdollKeybind = 244, -- Get the button number here
-- You can disable the Facial Expressions menu here.
ExpressionsEnabled = true,
-- You can disable the Walking Styles menu here.
WalkingStylesEnabled = true,
-- You can disable the Shared Emotes here.
SharedEmotesEnabled = true,
CheckForUpdates = true,
-- If you have the SQL imported enable this to turn on keybinding.
SqlKeybinding = false,
Config.KeybindKeys = {
['num4'] = 108,
['num5'] = 110,
['num6'] = 109,
['num7'] = 117,
['num8'] = 111,
['num9'] = 118
Config.Languages = {
['en'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Emotes',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Dance Emotes",
['animalemotes'] = "🐩 Animal Emotes",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Prop Emotes",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Favorite",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Select an emote here to set it as your favorite.",
['rfavorite'] = "Reset favorite",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Prop Emotes can be located at the end",
['set'] = "Set (",
['setboundemote'] = ") to be your bound emote?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ is now your bound emote, press ~g~CapsLock~w~ to use it.",
['cancelemote'] = "Cancel Emote",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Cancels the currently playing emote",
['walkingstyles'] = "Walking Styles",
['resetdef'] = "Reset to default",
['normalreset'] = "Normal (Reset)",
['moods'] = "Moods",
['infoupdate'] = "Information",
['infoupdateav'] = "Information (Update available)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "An update is available, get the latest version from ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Suggestions?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'TayMcKenzieNZ' on FiveM forums for any feature/emote suggestions! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "is not a valid dance.",
['notvalidemote'] = "is not a valid emote.",
['nocancel'] = "No emote to cancel.",
['maleonly'] = "This emote is male only, sorry!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Do /emotemenu for a menu.",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Shared Emotes",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Invite a nearby person to emote",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Shared Dances",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "is not a valid shared emote.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Sent request to ~y~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Nobody ~r~close~w~ enough.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ to accept, ~r~L~w~ to refuse (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Emote refused.",
['makenearby'] = "makes the nearby player play",
['camera'] = "Press ~y~G~w~ to use camera flash.",
['makeitrain'] = "Press ~y~G~w~ to make it rain.",
['pee'] = "Hold ~y~G~w~ to pee.",
['spraychamp'] = "Hold ~y~G~w~ to spray champagne",
['stun'] = "Press ~y~G~w~ to 'use' stun gun.",
['bound'] = "Bound ",
['to'] = "to",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " Currently bound emotes:",
['notvalidkey'] = "is not a valid key.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Keybinds",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Use"
['fr'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Emotes',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Emotes de danse",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Em Prop Emotes",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Favori",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Définir un emote comme favori.",
['rfavorite'] = "réinitialiser le favori.",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Prop Emotes peuvent être situés à la fin",
['set'] = "Set (",
['setboundemote'] = ") pour être votre emote lié?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ est maintenant votre emote liée, appuyez sur ~g~CapsLock~w~ pour l'utiliser.",
['cancelemote'] = "Annuler Emote",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Annule l'emote en cours de lecture",
['walkingstyles'] = "Styles de marche",
['resetdef'] = "Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut",
['normalreset'] = "Normal (réinitialiser)",
['moods'] = "Humeurs",
['infoupdate'] = "Information",
['infoupdateav'] = "Information (Mise à jour disponible)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "Une mise à jour est disponible ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Suggestions?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'TayMcKenzieNZ' sur les forums FiveM pour toutes les suggestions de fonction / emote! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "n'est pas une danse valide",
['notvalidemote'] = "n'est pas un emote valide",
['nocancel'] = "Pas d'emote à annuler",
['maleonly'] = "Cet emote est réservé aux hommes, désolé!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Do /emotemenu pour un menu",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Em Emotes partagées",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Inviter une personne proche à emoter",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Dances partagées",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "n'est pas un emote partagé valide.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Demande envoyée à ~g~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Personne assez proche.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ accepter, ~r~L~w~ refuser (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Emote refusée.",
['makenearby'] = "fait jouer le joueur à proximité",
['camera'] = "Presse ~y~G~w~ utiliser le flash de l'appareil.",
['makeitrain'] = "Presse ~y~G~w~ jeter de l'argent.",
['pee'] = "Tenir ~y~G~w~ faire pipi.",
['spraychamp'] = "Tenir ~y~G~w~ vaporiser du champagne.",
['bound'] = "Liée ",
['to'] = "à",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " Emotes actuellement liés:",
['notvalidkey'] = "n'est pas une clé valide.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Liens Clés",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Use"
['de'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Emotes',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Tanz-Emotes",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Prop-Emotes",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Favorit",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Wählen Sie hier ein Emote aus, um es als gebundenes Emote festzulegen.",
['rfavorite'] = "Keybind zurücksetzen",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Prop-Emotes können am Ende platziert werden",
['set'] = "Set (",
['setboundemote'] = ") soll dein gebundenes Emote sein?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ ist jetzt dein gebundenes Emote, drücke ~g~CapsLock~w~, um es zu verwenden.",
['cancelemote'] = "Emote abbrechen",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~ X ~w~ Bricht das aktuell wiedergegebene Emote ab",
['walkingstyles'] = "Gehstile",
['resetdef'] = "Auf Standard zurücksetzen",
['normalreset'] = "Normal (Zurücksetzen)",
['moods'] = "Stimmungen",
['infoupdate'] = "Information",
['infoupdateav'] = "Information (Update verfügbar)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "Eine Aktualisierung ist verfügbar ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Vorschläge?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'TayMcKenzieNZ' in FiveM-Foren für alle Feature- / Emote-Vorschläge! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "ist kein gültiger Tanz",
['notvalidemote'] = "ist kein gültiges Emote",
['nocancel'] = "Kein Emote zum Abbrechen",
['maleonly'] = "Dieses Emote ist nur männlich, sorry!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Do /emotemenu für ein Menü",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Geteilte Emotes",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Laden Sie eine Person in Ihrer Nähe zum Emoten ein",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Geteilte Tänze",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "ist kein gültiges geteiltes Emote.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Gesendete Anfrage an ~g~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Niemand ist nah genug dran.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ zu akzeptieren, ~r~L~w~ zu verweigern (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Emote abgelehnt.",
['makenearby'] = "Lässt den Spieler in der Nähe spielen",
['camera'] = "Drücken ~y~G~w~ Kamerablitz verwenden.",
['makeitrain'] = "Drücken ~y~G~w~ Geld werfen.",
['pee'] = "Halt ~y~G~w~ urinieren.",
['spraychamp'] = "Halt ~y~G~w~ champagner sprühen",
['bound'] = "Gebunden ",
['to'] = "zu",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " Derzeit gebundene Emotes:",
['notvalidkey'] = "ist kein gültiger schlüssel.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Tastenkombinationen",
['keybindsinfo'] = "verwenden"
['sv'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Emotes',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Dans Emotes",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Objekt Emotes",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Favorit",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Välj en emote här för att ställa in den som din favorit emote.",
['rfavorite'] = "Återställ favorit.",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Objekt Emotes finns längst ner i listan.",
['set'] = "Sätt (",
['setboundemote'] = ") till din favorit emote?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ är nu din favorit emote, tryck ~g~CapsLock~w~ för att använda den.",
['cancelemote'] = "Avbryt Emote",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Avbryter det emote som för närvarande används.",
['walkingstyles'] = "Walking Stil",
['resetdef'] = "Återställ till standard",
['normalreset'] = "Normal (Återställ)",
['moods'] = "Humör",
['infoupdate'] = "Information",
['infoupdateav'] = "Information (Uppdatering tillgänglig)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "En uppdatering är tillgänglig ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Förslag?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'TayMcKenzieNZ' på FiveM-forum för alla funktioner/emote-förslag! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "är inte en giltig dans",
['notvalidemote'] = "är inte en giltig emote",
['nocancel'] = "Ingen emote att avbryta",
['maleonly'] = "Den här emoten är endast för män, ledsen!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Gör /emotemenu för en meny",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Delade Emotes",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Bjud in en någon nära för en emote",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Delade Danser",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "är inte en giltig delad emote.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Skickad förfrågan till ~g~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Ingen ~r~nära~w~ tillräckligt.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ för att acceptera, ~r~L~w~ för att vägra (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Emote vägrades.",
['makenearby'] = "andra personen spelar",
['camera'] = "Tryck ~y~G~w~ för att använda blixt.",
['makeitrain'] = "Tryck ~y~G~w~ för att kasta pengar.",
['pee'] = "Håll ~y~G~w~ att kissa.",
['spraychamp'] = "Håll ~y~G~w~ för att spraya champagne.",
['bound'] = "Bunde ",
['to'] = "till",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " För närvarande bundna emotes:",
['notvalidkey'] = "är inte en giltig tangent.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Keybinds",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Använd"
['es'] = {
['emotes'] = "Animaciones",
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Bailes",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Objetos",
['keybindemotes'] = "🌟 Favorita",
['keybindinfo'] = "Selecciona una animacion como su favorita.",
['rkeybind'] = "Reiniciar favorito",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Animaciones de objetos al final.",
['set'] = "Elegir (",
['setboundemote'] = ") como tu animacion favorita?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ es ahora tu animacion favorita, presiona ~g~[CapsLock]~w~ para usarla.",
['cancelemote'] = "Cancelar animacion",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Cancela la animacion actual.",
['walkingstyles'] = "Formas de caminar",
['resetdef'] = "Reiniciar a por defecto",
['normalreset'] = "Normal (Reiniciar)",
['moods'] = "Estados de animo",
['infoupdate'] = "Informacion",
['infoupdateav'] = "Informacion (Actualizacion disponible)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "Una actualizacion esta disponible, para conseguir la ultima version ingresa a ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Sugerencias?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "TayMcKenzieNZ' en el foro de FiveM para cualquier sugerencia! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "no es un baile valido.",
['notvalidemote'] = "no es una animacion valida.",
['nocancel'] = "No hay animacion para cancelar.",
['maleonly'] = "Esta animacion es solo de hombre!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Escribe /emotemenu para abrir el menu.",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Animaciones compartidas",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Invita a una persona cercana para la animacion.",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Bailes compartidos",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "no es una animacion compartida valida.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Solicitud enviada ~y~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Nadie ~r~cerca~w~.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ para aceptar, ~r~L~w~ para rechazar (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Animacion rechazada.",
['makenearby'] = "hacer que el jugador cercano juegue",
['camera'] = "Presione ~y~G~w~ para usar el flash de la camara.",
['makeitrain'] = "Presiona ~y~G~w~ para hacer llover.",
['pee'] = "Mantiene ~y~G~w~ para mear.",
['spraychamp'] = "Mantiene ~y~G~w~ rociar champán.",
['bound'] = "Unida ",
['to'] = "a",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " Emotes vinculados actualmente:",
['notvalidkey'] = "no es una clave válida.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Keybinds",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Utilizar"
['nl'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Animaties',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Dans Animaties",
['animalemotes'] = "🐩 Dier Animaties",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Prop Animaties",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Favorieten",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Selecteer hier een animatie om deze als favoriete in te stellen.",
['rfavorite'] = "Reset Favorieten",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Prop animaties staan aan het einde.",
['set'] = "Maak (",
['setboundemote'] = ") je toegewezen animatie?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ is nu je toegewezen animatie, druk op ~g~CapsLock~w~ om hem te gebruiken.",
['cancelemote'] = "Stop Animatie",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Stopt je huidige animatie",
['walkingstyles'] = "Loopjes",
['resetdef'] = "Reset naar standaard",
['normalreset'] = "Normaal (Reset)",
['moods'] = "Stemmingen",
['infoupdate'] = "Informatie",
['infoupdateav'] = "Informatie (Update beschikbaar)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "Een update is beschikbaar, download de laatste versie via ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Suggesties?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'TayMcKenzieNZ' op de FiveM forums om suggesties in te dienen! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "Is geen geldige dans.",
['notvalidemote'] = "Is geen geldige animatie.",
['nocancel'] = "Er is geen animatie om te annuleren.",
['maleonly'] = "Deze animatie is alleen voor mannen, sorry!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Doe /emotemenu voor het animatiemenu.",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Gedeelde Animaties",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Nodig een persoon in de buurt uit om een animatie te doen.",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Gedeelde Dansjes",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "Is geen geldige gedeelde animatie.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Verzoek gestuurd naar ~y~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Er is niemand ~r~dichtbij~w~ genoeg.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ om te accepteren, ~r~L~w~ om te weigeren (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Animatie geweigerd.",
['makenearby'] = "laat de dichtstbijzijnde persoon de animatie doen",
['camera'] = "Druk op ~y~G~w~ om de flitser te gebruiken..",
['makeitrain'] = "Druk op ~y~G~w~ om geld te gooien.",
['pee'] = "Druk op ~y~G~w~ om te plassen.",
['spraychamp'] = "Druk op ~y~G~w~ om batra's te spuiten.",
['stun'] = "Druk op ~y~G~w~ om de taser te 'gebruiken'.",
['bound'] = "Gebonden ",
['to'] = "aan",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " Huidig gebonden animaties:",
['notvalidkey'] = "Is geen geldige knop.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Keybinds",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Gebruik"
['pt'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Emotes',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Emotes de Danças",
['animalemotes'] = "🐩 Emotes de Animais",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Emotes com Props",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Favoritos",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Selecione um emote para colocá-lo nos seus favoritos",
['rfavorite'] = "Limpar favoritos",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Emotes de props podem ser localizados no fim",
['set'] = "Set (",
['setboundemote'] = ") para ser seu emote vinculado?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ é o seu emote vinculado, pressione ~g~CapsLock~w~ para usá-lo",
['cancelemote'] = "Cancelar emote",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Cancela os emotes rodando atualmente",
['walkingstyles'] = "Estilos de Caminhada",
['resetdef'] = "Resetar para o padrão",
['normalreset'] = "Normal (Resetar)",
['moods'] = "Humores",
['infoupdate'] = "Informação",
['infoupdateav'] = "Informação (Atualização disponível)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "Uma atualização disponível, veja ~y~ para pegar",
['suggestions'] = "Sugestões?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'TayMcKenzieNZ' no fórum do FiveM para qualquer sugestão de recurso/emotes! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "não é uma dança válida.",
['notvalidemote'] = "não é um emote válido.",
['nocancel'] = "Nenhum emote para cancelar",
['maleonly'] = "Este emote é para homens, desculpe!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Faça /emotemenu para abrir o menu.",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Emotes compartilhados",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Convide uma pessoa próxima para para realizar a animação",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Danças compartilhadas",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "não é um emote compartilhado válido.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Enviar solicitação para ~y~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Ninguém próximo o ~r~rsuficiente~w~.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ para aceitar, ~r~L~w~ para recursar (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Emote recursado",
['makenearby'] = "Faz o jogador próximo participar",
['camera'] = "Pressione ~y~G~w~ para usar o flash da câmera",
['makeitrain'] = "Pressione ~y~G~w~ para fazer chover.",
['pee'] = "Mantenha pressionado ~y~G~w~ para fazer xixi.",
['spraychamp'] = "Mantenha pressionado ~y~G~w~ jogar champagne",
['stun'] = "Press ~y~G~w~ to 'use' stun gun.",
['bound'] = "Vinculado ",
['to'] = "para",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = "Emotes atualmente vinculados: ",
['notvalidkey'] = "isto não é uma chave válida",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Keybinds",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Usar"
['it'] = {
['emotes'] = 'Animazioni',
['danceemotes'] = "🕺 Animazioni Di Danza",
['animalemotes'] = "🐩 Animazioni Di Animali",
['propemotes'] = "📦 Animazioni Prop",
['favoriteemotes'] = "🌟 Emote preferite",
['favoriteinfo'] = "Seleziona un'animazione per metterla nei preferiti.",
['rfavorite'] = "Rimuovi preferito",
['prop2info'] = "❓ Le animazioni Prop possono essere trovate in fondo.",
['set'] = "Imposta (",
['setboundemote'] = ") come tua animazione corrente?",
['newsetemote'] = "~w~ è ora la tua animazione corrente, premi ~g~CapsLock~w~ per usarla.",
['cancelemote'] = "Annulla animazione",
['cancelemoteinfo'] = "~r~X~w~ Cancella l'animazione in corso.",
['walkingstyles'] = "Stili di camminata",
['resetdef'] = "Ripristina predefiniti",
['normalreset'] = "Normale (Reset)",
['moods'] = "Umori",
['infoupdate'] = "Informazioni",
['infoupdateav'] = "Informazioni (Aggiornamento disponibile)",
['infoupdateavtext'] = "Un aggiornamento è disponibile, ottieni l'ulima versione qui ~y~",
['suggestions'] = "Suggerimenti?",
['suggestionsinfo'] = "'dullpear_dev' nei forum di FiveM per suggerimenti su funzionalitá/animazioni! ✉️",
['notvaliddance'] = "non è un ballo valido.",
['notvalidemote'] = "non è un'animazione valida.",
['nocancel'] = "Nessun'animazione da cancellare.",
['maleonly'] = "Quest'animazione è solo maschile!",
['emotemenucmd'] = "Esegui /emotemenu per aprire il menù.",
['shareemotes'] = "👫 Animazioni di coppia",
['shareemotesinfo'] = "Invita un giocatore vicino ad un'animazione",
['sharedanceemotes'] = "🕺 Balli di coppia",
['notvalidsharedemote'] = "non è un'animazione di coppia valida.",
['sentrequestto'] = "Richiesta mandata a ~y~",
['nobodyclose'] = "Nessun giocatore abbastanza ~r~vicino~w~.",
['doyouwanna'] = "~y~Y~w~ per accettare, ~r~L~w~ per rifiutare (~g~",
['refuseemote'] = "Animazione rifiutata.",
['makenearby'] = "fa eseguire l'animazione al giocatore vicino",
['camera'] = "Premi ~y~G~w~ per usare il flash della fotocamera.",
['makeitrain'] = "Premi ~y~G~w~ per far piovere.",
['pee'] = "Tieni premuto ~y~G~w~ per urinare.",
['spraychamp'] = "Tieni premuto ~y~G~w~ per spruzzare champagne",
['stun'] = "Premi ~y~G~w~ per 'usare' la pistola stordente.",
['bound'] = "É stato impostato ",
['to'] = "per",
['currentlyboundemotes'] = " Animazioni correnti:",
['notvalidkey'] = "non è una chiave valida.",
['keybinds'] = "🔢 Tasti",
['keybindsinfo'] = "Utilizza"
Did you even do what I suggested?
Yeah i did, but i didn´t work
Check that you don’t have two versions of dpemotes or two configs. I had a similar issue with Menyoo opening in my fivem server via F8 and F3; I had two menyoos.
Nope Only one
No idea however it’s definitely a problem on your end that you need to figure out.
heyaaa! first of all, thanks for the tutorials , they are awesome!
If I may ask, I made a cool prop and i wanna stream it to my server. I followed your video tutorial about custom addon props, but in codewalker i cant find the “add a new archetype from ydr” and the “open files”… is it another version maybe or i am just idiot as f#ck???
anyway, can i manually add my new props on a ytyp ??? if yes where should i put and what?? the “prop_name.ydr” ??
blank ytyp:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
I’ll DM you
Thanks a lot mate!!! Finally got it working!
I was just browsing through the animationlist.lua and was wondering what is exactly is propbone and where exactly can i find it for each prop i use?
I suggest reading the forum post thoroughly but, essentionally you can attatch a prop to your ped (or a ped to another ped) using bones, and so you need to use menyoo (scroll up) and you’ll see for example SKEL_ROOT, which is 0.
If i wanted to use other props, where do i find more?
You will need to be on gamebuild 2699 for all props to work. Post explains how to enforce gamebuilds etc etc too.
That website is a database of the original grand theft auto v props… you just add the prop name to the code, but for all props to work you have to be on gamebuild 2699.
So i recently just updated and still having an issue.
using Qbcore. But I use it as standalone because it throws errors when I enable Qbcore framework in config.
as standalone it works fine but the major issue is if you do an emote then get in a car, you cant drive forward or reverse without having to hit the X button first. (its an underlying emote issue)
Its caused numerous people to headpop cause they cant drive or shoot but dont relize pressing X resolves it. does it need to be framwork enabled for this issue to be corrected??
I’ll look into it, but no, framework shouldn’t matter.
As for qbcore, if you’re using my fork you need to read the GitHub ReadMe thoroughly to understand why it’s spitting out errors, also make sure that config.lua is lower case, sometimes GitHub makes it uppercase for whatever reason
I’ve just added new custom animations into the lua file and [custom emotes] folder. It’s not loading them in for me. What am i doing wrong?
If you’re using my fork, you need to add the code to the Animationlistcustom file correctly, and put the files inside the stream folder. It’s likely not reading your [folder]. There are many tutorial videos I have provided, however this forum post is purely for my fork.
It may differ from original DpEmotes or other menus of which I am not part of nor supporting.
That actually works, thanks!
How would you go about adding couples/friends animations to dpemotes. I’m torn between adding it in shared emotes or just normal emotes. For example,
<Anim dict=“something@1anim” name="1anim’’ />
<Anim dict=“something@2anim” name="2anim’’ />