How i set a especific job [ESX]

Hi, I want a code for the player press a key and he have the job ex
/Miner - and he haves the job miner

You need to set up a job center where the player can select a job. Or you can set their job for them using:

/setjob <playerid> <jobname> <jobgrade>

But that gets annoying after a while. I highly recommend you utilize the search function not only here, but on this new website for searching stuff called Google. I have found every answer I ever had regarding essentialmode and es_extended.

If you are going to run essentialmode/es_extended, be prepared to do a lot of research on your own for finding the things you need. They are all out there, it’s just a matter of a bit of footwork to find it all.


I know the command but the job center dont work i am trying to do a marker where player enter, press a key and he have a new job

Are you sure you have all the proper scripts installed. jobs, joblisting, society, addonaccount? Should just work right out of the gate.

On console he says that callback getjoblising doesnt exist and yes i have all instaled

your esx resources should exist inside of a [esx] folder except for the main ones.


imagem i have this and this

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i have all correct i thinq

looks like it. I really don’t know why it wouldn’t be working. Have you done any edits to the joblisting script?Check the Alta street apartment building to see if there is a marker inside.

It also appears that you are using a windows server. I have no clue how to view errors on windows servers. I use linux and can see errors that don’t show up in the F8 console.

yes is a marker in side when i press E i got a message in console saying dat call back doesnt exists (wait a moment i going to print the erros and the game)

Ok, that sounds more like a database error. What do you use? Couch or mysql?

i am using sql data

when i start the server it says this imagem

ignore this its my foult

hmm… I don’t even have 36 lines in that file. copy and paste the code from that file please.

ignor i forget to delete a word this error imagem

this is the 4 line ESX.RegisterServerCallback(‘esx_joblisting:getJobsList’, function(source, cb)

Do you have a whitelisted column in your “jobs” table?