Housing with MLO, Shells, Mortgage [ESX/QB/QBX]

Sure, please send me the docs over in my discord and make a ticket there, rather than us spamming messages here. Thanks

I have joined Discord Where to send the ticket?

How to solve the problem of flashing when entering the house

I use the vRP framework on my server. Will I be able (due to file encryption) to refactor it to work with my framework (and custom garage & inventory)?

Would like to have a preview of the configuration file as well, if is that possible.

Thank you in advance!

Yes, the bridge file is available and client is unecnrypted. Garage & inventory code is also available. Please open a ticket in my discord to check on the files. Thanks

does that mean you can furnish MLO interiors?

Yes you can sir

Have a qb server can’t get the script to start up

Based on the error that’s because you don’t have okokTextUI, change the help text script to something else in the config.lua

Can anyone tell me why my MLO shells keep blinking flashes of light every time i create a house the MLO shell flashing like a light help please :sob:

You mean Shells? If it is blinking very fast you can send me your weather sync script ill take a look. If it is not, like it only changes when you move the camera then it is normal behaviour, try to put the shells up above the sky.

Hey Thanks for the help…I took my sync script out now it works :+1:t5:

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Hi, i just bought this script last night… i have a qb-core server, have everything working… can create and buy house , but as soon as i logout the house dissappears. Like its not in realestate created homes or abything anymore, dissappears from DB completly… any ideas??

nice work wow