[Help] Spawning Vehicle


I’m looking for a script and i think maybe you know ?

Translate the text :
Press ENTER for spawn your car

By press enter, you can choose your police car if you are on duty / in job, i want this script, if anyone can found this or recreate ? It would be useful for police, firemen and others.



i dont know, i think no, but i go test it later, i can’t for now
if anyone have a other suggestion you can.
Because Garages V2.1 we need buy, and there is another one look like the blue circle, to have a free bike, so i think realy is not this
Thanks MisTerioN,

This is vehicle shop by Arthurs edited…

[Release] Vehicle shop by Arturs


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Thanks ! :smiley:
But when i want vehicle spawn to x,y,z …
he spawn in blue circle or just beside

help ?

 local spawned_car = CreateVehicle(vehicle, coords, 431.436, -996.786, 25.1887, true, false)

“431.436, -996.786, 25.18874” <-----

i change to

  local spawned_car = CreateVehicle(vehicle, coords, 436.045, -997.588, 25.7567, true, false)

but he continues to spawn beside blue circle


If I walk away from the car it disappears

How to change?

I don’t know why my vehicle dont spawn where i want,
maybe i think because i spawn in there

Hello, and thank you so much maybe help me !

i have one problem here : local player = PlayerId ('enter steam id’)

you are not allowed !

please help thank you

Please help not spawn i enter my steam id not result i cant spawn my car ??

AddEventHandler(‘policespawn’, function()
local myPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local player = PlayerId (??)
local vehicle = GetHashKey(‘police2’)
while not HasModelLoaded(vehicle) do
local plate = math.random(100, 900)
local coords = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(GetPlayerPed(1), 0, 5.0, 0)
local spawned_car = CreateVehicle(vehicle, coords, 454.03,-1020.87,27.30, true, false)
SetVehicleNumberPlateText(spawned_car, "LSPD “…plate…” ")
SetPedIntoVehicle(myPed, spawned_car, -1)


You don’t have to touch this dude !

The only thing you have to change is the model car you want to spawn and the coords of your spawnpoint !

Yes just change model but when i change coords, i spawn in vehicle in blue circle, not to my spawnpoint … ? Why help ? Please


I have already post but not answer!

Why when I come out of the vehicle and I digress it disappears, just as I do spawn

Sorry for my bad English!

Hello thank you man sorry again this problem not spawn “You are not owned
perm maybe ??

Have you the permission level require?

hey yes admin alowed ? or job level??

No check in your database, permission_level, have you the number require in the script ?