[HELP] Pulling name and Call Sign/Badge ID from MySQL and displaying on Alert


I’m currently using this alert system made by Danny3, a version based on esx_outlawalerts, which can be found here: NoPixel Styled Alerts

I created a 10-13 (Officer Down) alert within it via a chat command and I’d like the alert to display an Officers Call Sign and their name. Within my MySQL under the ‘Users’ table I added a ‘badge_id’ column that is updated manually when the officer is assigned a badgeID/Call Sign.

I’m wondering if anyone could help me with the code I would need to first determine if the user using the command has the police job, then fetch that users name and badgeID and then display it on the alert. I believe I need to use MySQL.Async.fetchALL? Any help is appreciated.

(I haven’t coded in about 10 years so I am trying to get back into the groove of it lol)

Here’s what I have thus far:

In the client main.lua:

RegisterCommand('1013', function(source, args, raw)

local playerCoords = GetPlayerPed()

local position = GetEntityCoords(playerCoords)

local streetName, zoneName, playerGender

local zones = { ['AIRP'] = "Los Santos International Airport", ...(*There's quite a few zone names so I excluded them here so they don't take up a large amount of space*)}

streetName,_ = GetStreetNameAtCoord(position.x, position.y, position.z)

streetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(streetName)

zoneName = zones[GetNameOfZone(position.x, position.y, position.z)]

local zoneName = zones[GetNameOfZone(position.x, position.y, position.z)]

    TriggerServerEvent('esx_outlawalert:OfficerDown', {

    x = ESX.Math.Round(position.x, 1),

    y = ESX.Math.Round(position.y, 1),

    z = ESX.Math.Round(position.z, 1)

}, streetName, zoneName, playerGender)


end, false)

In the sever main.lua:


AddEventHandler('esx_outlawalert:OfficerDown', function(targetCoords, streetName, zoneName, callSign, officerName, playerGender)

    mytype = 'police'

    data = {["AlertType"] = 1, ["code"] = '10-13', ["name"] = 'Officer Down URGENT', ["id"] = callSign, ["loc"] = 'Location: ' ..streetName.. ", " ..zoneName}

    length = 8500

    TriggerClientEvent('esx_outlawalert:outlawNotify', -1, mytype, data, length)

    TriggerClientEvent('esx_outlawalert:OfficerDown', -1, targetCoords)

end, false)

Please let me know if you need any other info.

Thank you.

If you still need this. I would check this out: https://brouznouf.github.io/fivem-mysql-async/

So, how I personally would do it would be on the server side I would fetch this on the player loading in and save it to a global variable to be used. After that you can use the badge id however you want.

Here is something you can play with and it might work for you

AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(player_id)
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player_id)
    MySQL.Async.fetchScalar("SELECT badge_id FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier", { 
        ['@identifier'] = xPlayer.getIdentifier()
     }, function(data)
        if (data ~= nil) then
            --set your badge_id to the client side

Note: you might have to change the MySQL query if your badge_id isn’t a integer.