[Help] Mumble voip needs to be turned on and off to be able to speak (Mumble-radio)

Hey guys’ i’m using mumble-voip and rp-radio in my server, but every now and then people suddenly can’t speak and need to turn voice off and on to be able to speak again. It seems to be related with the number of players since during the morning (Less players) this occurs less

I have the same issue, but can’t figure out any way to fix it or reproduce it.

Are players you dont hear able to hear you?

This seems to be a problem that is very hard to reproduce (it just randomly happens, seem to happen more to people with higher packet loss). My temporary fix for it is to force a reconnect

RegisterCommand('vsync', function(source, args)
	local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) 
	local currentChunk = GetCurrentChunk(coords)


	MumbleAddVoiceTargetChannel(voiceTarget, currentChunk)


	SetGridTargets(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), true)

	MumbleSetServerAddress('your server ip', 30120) -- 30120 to whatever port you use for fivem.

This is still happening? I read some mumble related commits I thought were meant to fix the issue. If it does happen please ask your players to dump the memory of fivem using task manager and send the dump to Bubble. I’d do it myself but I don’t own a server.

Still happening for me, going to try this as a work around for new players dropping into the city.

It might be when they have highpacket loss from the inital connect and download of all the resources, once they toggle off and on it seems to sort.