[HELP] DriftV database not working

Hi! trying to get this [FREE] DriftV - Full drift based gamemode working but having this error and starting money etc doesnt work

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Is your database name “fivem”, if not change it to fivem.

databases name is fivem

Are you sure that your server is connecting to the database correctly? And look through the .sql file one more time.

The error is obvious, the “fivem” database does not exist.

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That’s how I interpreted it too, but if he says it exists then it probably exists.

well it won’t be connected then

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yeah, and that’s why I asked him if he was sure the database was connected correctly.

but db name should be driftv (unless changed)

Hi! My Console gonna be spammed ful lwith this …

I got full server working, Just download the latest version it works fine.

driftv.sql (1.6 KB)

@Puzzln1 @RiskyShot17 @TumX @Chiquityman @Rubylium

i did …

Install latest mysql-async and add

set mysql_connection_string "mysql://root@localhost/fivem"

in your server.cfg

Just create a column named pName with VARCHAR

I must have deleted the code that required pName maybe

Sorry how can i do that? :slight_smile:

That should not be something to do, is this missing on the sql on github ?

and a ressource cgf wo is ?

where is a serveur cfg i dont have