Helicopter Camera

Helicopter Camera (24€)

With this script you’ll be able to add a realistic camera to all your helicopters !

Video available here
You can test our scripts for free here


:white_check_mark: Realistic NUI (heavily inspired from here)
:white_check_mark: Realistic camera placement (per helicopter, 8 helicopters already preconfigured)
:white_check_mark: Realistic lock-on (if a vehicles goes out of sight, the lock is lost, after a configurable delay)
:white_check_mark: Locking takes a configurable time to acquire the target
:white_check_mark: Customizable NUI
:white_check_mark: Customizable keybinds (Uses the RegisterKeyMapping native)
:white_check_mark: Spotlight is synced using StateBags which are network friendly
:white_check_mark: Customizable spotlight (color, size, brightness…)
:white_check_mark: Ability to place and remove markers (displayed on minimap, synced with players on same vehicle, times out after X seconds)
:white_check_mark: Night vision (can be turned on/off per helicopter)
:white_check_mark: Thermal vision (can be turned on/off per helicopter)
:white_check_mark: Thermal vision maximum thickness settings (to prevent seeing through walls)
:white_check_mark: Thermal vision in black/white (can be customized)
:white_check_mark: Option to disallow the pilot to use the camera
:white_check_mark: Licence plate reader (can be disabled)
:white_check_mark: Camera locks on aimed point of entity (to avoid snapping to the middle of the entity)
:white_check_mark: Units can be configured (KM/H, M/S, MPH, KTS, M, FT)
:white_check_mark: Overheat logic (Use camera for up to X seconds before screen goes out)
:white_check_mark: Cooldown logic (Wait for X seconds before screen goes back)
:white_check_mark: Camera overheated effect
:white_check_mark: Overheat / Cooldown timer visible on UI
:white_check_mark: Rappel down from the heli
:white_check_mark: Customizable additional data (RP name, date of birth, owner of vehicle, …)
:white_check_mark: Camera can be disabled if shot (must land for X seconds to fix it)
:white_check_mark: Client event for knowing if the UI is open or closed (HeliCam:UIVisible)
:white_check_mark: Export to hide HUD : exports.HeliCam:HideHUD(true / false)
:white_check_mark: Whitelist some identifiers or job (unencrypted, preconfigured for ESX and QB-Core)
:warning: Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system
:warning: Requires OneSync (Not working with OneSync Legacy)


Keybind / Command Action
Y Open camera
LMB Toggle vision (night, thermal, regular)
RMB Enable spotlight
MMB Add / Remove marker
SPACE Lock on target
SCROLL Zoom in/out
ALT + SCROLL Change spotlight radius
CTRL + SCROLL Change spotlight brightness
X Rappel down heli


Click to display


:white_check_mark: Update whitelist to latest ESX


:white_check_mark: WHOT thermal view
:white_check_mark: Customize thermal colors


:white_check_mark: Add export to hide HUD : exports.HeliCam:HideHUD(true / false)
:white_check_mark: Markers times out after 30 seconds (can be tuned / disabled)
:white_check_mark: Markers whitelist function can be modified in the Custom/Client/markers_whitelist.lua


:white_check_mark: Move minimap in HeliCam view for widescreen (in Custom/Client/offset_minimap.lua)


:white_check_mark: Better spotlight internal logic
:white_check_mark: Smoother spotlight transitions (pan/tilt, radius, brightness)


:white_check_mark: Markers are synced for players in same vehicle
:white_check_mark: Locking takes a configurable time to acquire the target
:white_check_mark: Removed blur with high zoom
:white_check_mark: Display aimed point on minimap
:white_check_mark: Display markers on minimap
:white_check_mark: Rappel down from the heli
:white_check_mark: Rework on spotlight sync
:white_check_mark: Customizable additional data (RP name, date of birth, owner of vehicle, …)
:white_check_mark: Camera can be disabled if shot (must land for X seconds to fix it)


:white_check_mark: Add job grade permission support
:white_check_mark: Bugfix initial brightness
:white_check_mark: Bugfix for float conversions
:white_check_mark: Bugfix for newer builds
:white_check_mark: Bugfix GetNetworkObject


:white_check_mark: Overheat logic (Use vision mode (EO/NV/IR) for up to X seconds before screen goes out)
:white_check_mark: Cooldown logic (Wait for X seconds before screen goes back)
:white_check_mark: OverHeat / Cooldown timer visible on UI
:white_check_mark: Camera overheated effect
:white_check_mark: Values can be configured per vehicle


:white_check_mark: Bugfix to prevent player’s vehicle from despawning after being tracked


:white_check_mark: Bugfix some UI alignement / loading
:white_check_mark: Network optimization / bugfix spotlight sync
:white_check_mark: Add ACE permission support
:white_check_mark: Bugfix whitelist


:white_check_mark: Ability to limit simulatenous use
:white_check_mark: Whitelist preconfigured for QB-Core
:white_check_mark: Ability to set the delay after which the locked object is lost


:white_check_mark: Whitelist some identifiers or job (unencrypted, preconfigured for ESX)
:white_check_mark: Units can be configured (KM/H, M/S, MPH, KTS, M, FT)
:white_check_mark: Client event for knowing if the UI is open or closed (HeliCam:UIVisible)
:white_check_mark: Bugfix spotlight not synced if multiple people in vehicle


:white_check_mark: Licence plate reader
:white_check_mark: Street names in UI
:white_check_mark: Thermal camera maximum thickness settings (to prevent seeing through walls)
:white_check_mark: Camera locks on aimed point of entity (to avoid snapping to the middle of the entity)
:white_check_mark: Ability to place and remove markers


:white_check_mark: Realistic UI (heavily inspired from here)
:white_check_mark: Realistic camera placement (per helicopter, 8 helicopters already preconfigured)
:white_check_mark: Realistic lock-on (if a vehicles goes out of sight, the lock is lost)
:white_check_mark: Customizable UI
:white_check_mark: Customizable keybinds (Uses the RegisterKeyMapping native)
:white_check_mark: Spotlight is synced using StateBags which are network friendly
:white_check_mark: Customizable spotlight (color, size, brightness…)
:white_check_mark: Thermal vision (can be turned on/off per helicopter)
:white_check_mark: Night vision (can be turned on/off per helicopter)
:white_check_mark: Option to disallow the pilot to use the camera


Click to display

Copyright (C) Nabla Corporation - All Rights Reserved.


The receipt or possession of the source code and/or any parts thereof does not convey or imply any right to use them
for any purpose other than the purpose for which they were provided to you.

The software is provided “AS IS”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to
the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement.
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability,
whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software
or the use or other dealings in the software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Accessible code No (except config/whitelist/customization)
Subscription-based No
Lines 1615
Requirements OneSync
Support Yes

Hello, is there reading a license plait ? Or will ti be in a future ? Thanks



No it doesn’t read license plate, not sure if we’re going to implement it or not as it’s not very realistic

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Some suggestions!!

I would add in the hud the street you are, I would add a “microphone” so the police in there can speak around the 100 m can hear, add plate of the vehicle, make that you can place markers, but only you can see them, and place in anywhere the rotation of the cameras…


I think this would help you to improve the script <3

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or just for plates make a config, if is true enable else not

Will there be thermal imaging of the black and white interface?

Free script whit different ui not worth 24$

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Hey, we’ll add the current street, the markers and the licence plate in the HUD on the next release

As for the microphone, I don’t think we’ll add it to this script because every server uses a different script for their voice. This is probably something you’ll have to implement on your side

The rotations of the camera are already in the UI at the the bottom of the screen

Not for the moment, we have yet to find a convincing one

Hey, feel free to test both version, you can try ours here
There are a lot of improvments over the free version
One of which being the use of StateBags to prevent network event overflow caused by the free script

Well not at all. Some helicopter cameras irl can read license plate, but only some.

Didn’t know that :slight_smile:
You mean using the zoom and the operator reads it ? Or using a software to automatically read it and it displays it on the UI ?

Whats the resmon on this, ive seen other cam scripts consume alot of resmon.

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Software which read it and display on the UI

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0.00ms while idle
Below 0.20ms while inside the camera
0.08 ms for other players (syncing the spotlight)

Sweet I’ll add it to the next release then


:white_check_mark: Licence plate reader
:white_check_mark: Street names in UI
:white_check_mark: Thermal camera maximum thickness settings (to prevent seeing through walls)
:white_check_mark: Camera locks on aimed point of entity (to avoid snapping to the middle of the entity)
:white_check_mark: Ability to place and remove markers

Nice release, we check on your test server and for the spotlight we can’t see that the light come from helicopter, like the default gta spotlight

Can you add this ?

Is it possible to set an config for KM/H instead of MPH?

I’ll see what we can do about that. Do you know of a script that does it? I’m not sure about the native to use. It might be SetVehicleSearchLight

Definitely! We’ll add it to the next release

whats the point in markers if only the heli can see it ?

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To mark positions to monitor

also tested it out can’t seem to be able to lock onto vehicles only ground points and at a very low altitude also camera pans very slow