Having problems with DiscordAcePerms

SCRIPT ERROR: @DiscordAcePerms/server.lua:147: No such export ClearCache in resource Badger_Discord_API - How do I fix this or what’s wrong because discord ace perms keeps getting stuck on deferring connection.

Start this before you start DiscordAcePerms:: GitHub - JaredScar/Badger_Discord_API: A FiveM API Script [created by Badger]

I already set up discordapi is there anything else that I could use instead of discordperms I just don’t want civilians to get access to any of the Leo stuff if they aren’t on duty

Youll have to look into a custom discord bot that fits your needs. As discord only provides discord perms/role specific. You can make it so they dont see it at all, but if they are already given the role to see the Leo information then they can see it. Not much you really can do beaides have a on duty/ off duty button that removes the role that grants access.


where you able to find anything, im having this problem and its impossible to fix

These Scripts that are for LEO/EMS Perms for example ( SEM_InteractionMenu ) By @Scott1 Have a section in there config that is how the permissions are used.

--This sets who can access the LEO menu
--!!! NOTE: If LEO Peds is selected then onlys peds from the Config.LEOUniforms will have access to the menu
--Disabled = 0 | Everyone = 1 [Default]  |  LEO Peds = 2  |  Onduty Command = 3  |  Ace Permissions = 4
Config.LEOAccess = 1

Witch in the above example would need to be set to

Config.LEOAccess = 4

And a line to your server.cfg of the following.

add_ace group.(Role Name) "sem_intmenu.leo" allow
add_ace group.(Role Name) "sem_intmenu.fire" allow
add_ace group.(Role Name) "sem_intmenu.unjail" allow
add_ace group.(Role Name) "sem_intmenu.unhospital" allow
add_ace group.(Role Name) "sem_intmenu.leo" allow

Hope this helps @Klevers2001