Hi, last month I created live handling editor and I just thought I can release it also here. In read.me file there is a step-by-step guide how to use this script, it’s very easy .
Can you add save system for handling menu? For example, I set a handling in the game, let it save it to json file or something, then I will import it to another tool and use it.
Umm I don’t really understand what do you mean. By clicking on Export (top right in UI) you can copy to the clipboard whole handling (in read.me I described how it works). I can also create a function to export it as json, but I would need a format which this “another tool” uses to import json data.
Actually I am not sure how the handling will behave on another player’s session (I haven’t tested it), but I can answer the first question - script does not interact with server files, so the handling won’t save and therefore the server restart will clear any changes you made via my script. If you want to save the handling you created then Export it and paste into handling.meta (detailed instructions are in read.me)
My script works with every value, I was thinking 'bout flag changer, but didn’t have time to add this to the menu Btw my script gives effect immediately after editing value
Those flags can do wonders, especially with additional explanation of known information in the menu. Check IKT’s script for an inspiration. It’s extremely convenient to use, even if only in SP instead.