[H@mer] Hitmarker + Damage Indicator



  • Easy Config.

  • Client side only.

  • Display hit damge in number health and armor with hit sound.

  • Display dead icon.

  • Resmon 0.0ms, 0.5ms when mouse click.

  • Command hitm, dami

  • Include free open source of CStyle Damage Indicator with fix damage direction 390 degree up down.

Buy On Tebex

Other Gamemode

Other Script

Code is accessible No, Yes CStyle Damage Indicator
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 150
Requirements No
Support No

the only thing that shows up for me is the CStyle Damage Indicator none of the other stuff

i use legacy is that an issue

Great support top notch thank you for your help will be coming back for more permanent customer

1 Like

what can we do about this error

Already fixed, plase update script.

how do i add in your darkrp xp with this may i get an example and would like the rp icon as well for kills and headshots

Create your script for handle player kill event and AddXP()

AddEventHandler('esx_xp:ShowRewardIcon', function(number)
	function Rendersprite(TextureDictionary, TextureName, X, Y, Width, Height, Heading, R, G, B, A)
		DrawSprite(TextureDictionary, TextureName, X + Width * 0.5, Y + Height * 0.5, Width, Height, Heading or 0, tonumber(R) or 255, tonumber(G) or 255, tonumber(B) or 255, tonumber(A) or 255)

	function DrawAdvancedNativetext(x, y, sc, text, r, g, b, a)
		SetTextScale(sc, sc)
		SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
		EndTextCommandDisplayText(x, y)
	local y = 0
	while y > -0.2 do
		DrawAdvancedNativetext(0.49, 0.51+y, 0.5, tostring(number), 255, 255, 255, 255)
		Rendersprite("commonmenu", "ui_rp_a", 0.5, 0.5+y, 0.03, 0.05, 0.0, 45, 110, 185, 255)
		y = y-0.001

Hello, I recently purchased your Hitmarker + Damage Indicator on Tebex. Iā€™m wondering if I can turn off the damage shown when the bullets hit the vehicle and the sound effects volume. How can I change all this? also, do you have a discord? I think discord might be easier for me to contact for support

Hitmarker still working?

Yes it is.