
gilozGilo Horde!
Gilo Horde is a new resource that will allow you to create real zombie hordes!

With this resource it will be much easier to manage the hordes in game.
You can choose whether to start a horde with a simple command (/horde [type] [range]).

Otherwise, through the configuration file, you can set a “Randomizer” of spawn.
This randomizer will be configured as follows:
Kernel.UseRandomizer = true – decide whether to use the randomizer
Kernel.SpawnInterval = 600 – Expected time for random spawning of hordes

Kernel.RandomPositionsSpawn = { – position that is chosen randomly for each interval
[1] = {coords = vector3(-1897.516479, 2027.828613, 140.724487), zombies = 140, range = 100},
[2] = {coords = vector3(556.747253, 6488.333984, 30.240234), zombies = 15, range = 50},

When a horde is created, the script will draw a red circular area on the map, X zombies will be created inside this area (settable by command via the type of horde, via an export (which you can insert wherever you want in your scripts) or via randomizer integrated into our resource)

With Gilo Horde you can:

  • Choose the peds that can be used as zombies
  • Choose the type of walk of the zombie
  • Decide whether to use default or custom notifications
  • Decide whether to use blip or not on the map
  • Configure the randomizer via Range, and Random Positions

There are 2 public files on this resource, one for clientside, and one for serverside, you can decide some functions


Code is accessible No
Requirements Nothing
Support Yes