[FREE] Yetti Rob Containers

Yetti Rob Containers

I saw a similar script to this which was paid, and just opened a inventory where you took the items out so I decided to remake it, make it diffrent and FREE!


  • Showcase (if video here doesn’t work)


  • Supports all frameworks which can use the dependencies
  • Unlimited locations for the container robbery can be configured
  • Everything is configurable
  • Rewards from the box can be also configured
  • Built in security
  • Drag & drop install



  1. Make sure you have all dependencies that are listed above
  2. Add yetti_robcontainers to your resources directory
  3. In the cfg write ensure yetti_robcontainers after the dependencies

:zap: Download via Github


Amazing release dude! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you very much :heart:

qs inventory support / qb-target support?

qb inventory nope, i can add qb target support later today/tommorow

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if you could look at qs inventory that would be great.

good! :heart_eyes:

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Well done dude :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much :heart:

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V 1.1 update

  • Added support for qs-inventory, i will add qb inventory at one point

  • Security update, everything is more secure now, cheaters can’t trigger

Release Security Update · YeeetSK/yetti_robcontainers · GitHub

support added for it in latest release :smirk:

we have a problem when there are several players connecting the interior of the container is duplicated depending on the number of players

can you make one for qb-inventory

Sure, I can add it abit later, I don’t have time at the moment… Maybe like 1-2 days

ok no problem just let me no when you have time to fix it cheers my discord is starlord698118