Obviously it isn’t particularly realistic using a fire hose to wash a car, but given that is the only hose we have access to, I think it works fairly well.
DIRT LEVEL SHOULD NOW BE SYNCED TO ALL PLAYERS - please let me know if you have any issues with this
To use this resource, you must have the hose equipped (by typing /hose in chat), and then it will automatically start cleaning a vehicle if you aim and press RT/left click (i.e. normal attack button).
It removes 0.1 from the vehicle’s dirt level every 0.2 seconds (obviously this can be adjusted in the script - it is very simple).
I haven’t modified the Hose resource in any way (or even provided my own copy… I linked specifically to their Github). My resource just checks if the hose is equipped, and if so, when aiming at a vehicle with more than 0.0 dirt level, it will slowly reduce the dirt level to simulate ‘washing’ it with the hose.
Though I see how my ordering of the links could be confusing - I will change that now
Somehow it doesn’t work to me with the hash WEAPON_HOSE. However, I had to have the hose in my hand and looked into database. The user loadout shows the only weapon i have is WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER.
After change the weapon hash to fire extinguisher, it works fine for me.
Also it reminds me for those who still have weapon wheel in their server. If you enable the hose and spin the weapon wheel, it shows fire extinguisher.
UPDATE - added a server.lua with a simple event to pass the dirt level across to the server and back to client, so should now be synchronised for other players
Hmm I have semi-experienced this - though I did see some of the dirt disappear when a friend did it.
I added the server sync by triggering the event when the player lets go of left-click/RT (i.e. when they stop shooting the hose). If you try doing it in short bursts as opposed to just holding it down til it is clean, it may sync better?
I will look into changing it to try syncing over a set period of time instead if it is held down
Why are you so insistent on me talking to London Studios?
The server-sync issue… like this entire resource, has nothing really to do with them. You could swap out the weapon name in the client script from the Hose to literally any weapon.
Indeed you could, however there isn’t any other hose weapon that’s out there that’s available, at least, not for free; Your resource thoroughly and quite literally, relies on their resource - without it, your resource kind of defeats its purpose.
Also, I’d just like to point out that the comment section is for feedback, which is all I’m doing.
You don’t have to like it nor agree with it, I just think that you should at least, consider talking to them.
I’ve used their SmartTape resource before and reached out to them about whether or not I could change textures. Had no plans of re-releasing their resource, but just retexturing it, at least in my mind, it felt like the right thing to do.
Your example of re-texturing the SmartTape resource is fine, and I agree it would be correct to contact the author when modifying their work. However in this instance, I am not in any way altering their resource, or even re-releasing it (again… I linked to their own github, not mine).
I would gladly accept some feedback on this mod, and maybe even some suggestions on how to improve the client-to-client syncing. I fail to see how any of your comments so far have provided any kind of feedback… saying “I highly suggest you confront the creators” would help me how exactly? How would me ‘confronting’ LondonStudios help fix an issue in a script that I have written, that has literally nothing to do with them?
If it will put your mind at rest, LondonStudios have ‘liked’ this post , so they are at least aware of this resource, and if they had any issue I am sure they would let me know
Hey London fan of your job that I love, I bought all your paid scripts and I also have the free ones. I had a question because it’s a shame that you put the files in .dll but I understand why, the command / execute can be added to some jobs and refused by others? Thanks for all your scripts. You are sure one of the best on fivem