[FREE] 🗳️ VoteTopServeur QBCore

VoteTopServeur QBCore

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Explanation put in the Github README.md

Une personne m’avait demandé un script afin de donner de l’argent lorsqu’une personne vote sur le serveur, j’ai donc créé le script.

Lorsque la personne vote, elle doit entrer le “prénom nom” de son personnage. L’argent peut être donné pendant qu’elle est connectée ou déconnectée.

:warning: Attention, un bug d’utilisation est possible. Je ne m’y suis pas encore attardé car les sommes sont très faibles, mais si la personne incite d’autres à voter avec son prénom et nom, elle peut récupérer de l’argent plus rapidement que prévu.

Someone asked me for a script to give money when someone votes on the server, so I created the script.

When the person votes, they must enter the “first name” of their character. Money can be given while connected or disconnected.

:warning: Warning, a usage bug is possible. I haven’t looked into it yet because the amounts are very small, but if the person encourages others to vote with their first and last name, they can recover money more quickly than expected.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Framework QBCore
Translation in script French
Support Yes (Only if there are bugs)

My scripts/mapping

:police_car: Police Menu Extra [ESX (QB in readme.md)] (FREE)
:ballot_box: VoteTopServeur [QB] (FREE)

:manual_wheelchair: Wheelchair [ESX & QB] (1€ ESCROW or 2€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:taxi: Taxi [ESX & QB] (2€ Open-Source)
:elevator: Elevator UI [Standalone] (3€ ESCROW or 7€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:bed: Stretcher [ESX & QB] (5€ ESCROW or 7€ Open-Source)
:file_folder: Police lockers and investigation files [ESX & QB] (5€ ESCROW or 10€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:pen: JobTattoo [ESX & QB] (15€ OPEN-SOURCE)

:racing_car: Karting YMAP [FREE]
:racing_car: Race YMAP Grapeseed [FREE]
:racing_car: Race YMAP Port of Los Santos [FREE]

1 Like

I’d suggest to fix this bug to make a small sql with timestamp and the username firstname and lastname and a variable where u stated if redeemed or not and create a timer that will count down 24 hours or something and then it will remove the redeemed status from player’s table after the time goes off.

The purpose of the script when it was created was to reward the player for voting. If we reward it once a day, the person will potentially only vote once a day… Your idea is good, I’m not saying otherwise.

Also, instead of creating a database table, a json file would do the trick.

I don’t think I’ll add this change because I don’t find it useful for the main purpose of this script.

i think if you tied it sql that if that character has a redeemed marked box then it just stays and they cant get it again would be good