đŸ“± LB Phone Plugin : App News


TEBEX (Escrow) - 7€ | Tebex (Open-Source) - 14€ + fees
Script documentation
Required: lb-phone

:fr: Ceci est une application non officiel de lb-phone et je n’ai aucune affiliation avec eux.
:us: This is an unofficial app from lb-phone and I have no affiliation with them.

App News est une application non officielle de lb-phone. Aucun autre tĂ©lĂ©phone ne peut supporter cette application. L’application sera disponible pour une seule entreprise (WeazelNews, par exemple) afin de publier des articles. Compatible avec ESX & QBCore.

Toutes les informations sont disponibles dans cette documentation.

App News is an unofficial app from lb-phone. No other phone can support this app. The app will be available for a single company (WeazelNews, for example) to publish articles. Compatible with ESX & QBCore.

All information is available in this documentation.

Code is accessible Yes & No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~800
Framework ESX & QBCore
Translation in script FR & Custom
Support Yes

My scripts/mapping

:police_car: Police Menu Extra [ESX (QB in readme.md)] (FREE)
:ballot_box: VoteTopServeur [QB] (FREE)

:manual_wheelchair: Wheelchair [ESX & QB] (1€ ESCROW or 2€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:taxi: Taxi [ESX & QB] (2€ Open-Source)
:elevator: Elevator UI [Standalone] (3€ ESCROW or 7€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:bed: Stretcher [ESX & QB] (5€ ESCROW or 7€ Open-Source)
:file_folder: Police lockers and investigation files [ESX & QB] (5€ ESCROW or 10€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:pen: JobTattoo [ESX & QB] (15€ OPEN-SOURCE)
:file_cabinet:Lockers UI [ESX & QB] (7€ Escrow & 40€ Open-Source)

:racing_car: Karting YMAP [FREE]
:racing_car: Race YMAP Grapeseed [FREE]
:racing_car: Race YMAP Port of Los Santos [FREE]


It only leaves you with one job or can I add more?

would this work?
JobRequired = ‘weazelnews’, ‘namejob’,

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Hi, currently only one job possible. However I can add access to several professions in {“weazelnews”, “lifeinvander”} mode for example

I don’t understand very well, would this be? JobRequired = {“weazelnews”, “lifeinvander”}

My idea is that more work can use it, is this possible?

Indeed that would be the idea, in the example LifeInvader and WeazelNews will be able to publish articles on the application

thanks, it’s already purchased xD

I need support, I don’t see your discord for support

I can’t publish news

Normal, multiple jobs have not yet been implemented, for the moment: only one job can publish advertisements. As soon as I have time I will inform here of updates to the script

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i also have this issue

Mise Ă  jour :fr:

  • ConfigNewsApp.JobRequired n’est plus une simple valeur, mais une table ; vous pouvez donc ajouter divers jobs, par exemple : {'weazelnews', 'lifeinvader', 'gouv'}.
  • Suppression d’un console.log cĂŽtĂ© JS.
  • Publication du script gratuit et open-source pour ouvrir l’image en grand : lien

Les fichiers Ă  changer sont client/cl_app.lua, server/sv_app.lua et config.lua (ligne 3 pour le JobRequired)

Update :us:

  • ConfigNewsApp.JobRequired is no longer a single value but a table; you can therefore add various jobs, for example: {'weazelnews', 'lifeinvader', 'gouv'}.
  • Removal of a console.log on the JS side.
  • Release of the free and open-source script to open the image in full size : link

The files to be changed are client/cl_app.lua, server/sv_app.lua, and config.lua (line 3 for JobRequired).

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one of the getsharedobject es extendeds are locked on the escrow version so we cant change them

:fr: Salut, je peux comprendre ton problĂšme, cependant, il est quand mĂȘme nĂ©cessaire d’avoir les derniĂšres versions du framework ESX. Cependant, je suis actuellement en train d’effectuer un fix afin de donner la libertĂ© de modification Ă  la version ESCROW. Je n’ai pas de date, mais j’espĂšre avoir le temps de le finir rapidement.

:us: Hi, I can understand your problem, however, it is still necessary to have the latest versions of the ESX framework. However, I am currently working on a fix to allow modification freedom for the ESCROW version. I don’t have a date yet, but I hope to have the time to finish it quickly.

i do use the latest but my core is renamed

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Mise Ă  jour :fr:

  • Ajout d’un UseDebugPrint = false afin d’afficher dans votre F8 des notifications pour voir jusqu’à oĂč ça pourrait bloquer.
  • Ajout d’une catĂ©gorie Settings_Framework dans le fichier config.lua afin de rendre l’utilisation de votre framework optimale si vous avez apportĂ© des modifications
['Settings_Framework'] = {
        ['ESX'] = {
            resource_name = 'es_extended',
            main = 'esx:getSharedObject',
        ['QBCore'] = {
            resource_name = 'qb-core',
            main = 'QBCore:GetObject',

Il est nécessaire de mettre à jour tous les fichiers.

Update :us:

  • Added a UseDebugPrint = false to display notifications in your F8 to see how far it could block.
  • Added a Settings_Framework category to the config.lua file to make the use of your framework optimal if you have made changes
['Settings_Framework'] = {
        ['ESX'] = {
            resource_name = 'es_extended',
            main = 'esx:getSharedObject',
        ['QBCore'] = {
            resource_name = 'qb-core',
            main = 'QBCore:GetObject',

It is necessary to update all files.

Nice app

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