Ceci est une application non officiel de lb-phone et je nâai aucune affiliation avec eux. This is an unofficial app from lb-phone and I have no affiliation with them.
Toutes les informations sont disponibles dans cette documentation.
App News is an unofficial app from lb-phone. No other phone can support this app. The app will be available for a single company (WeazelNews, for example) to publish articles. Compatible with ESX & QBCore.
Normal, multiple jobs have not yet been implemented, for the moment: only one job can publish advertisements. As soon as I have time I will inform here of updates to the script
ConfigNewsApp.JobRequired nâest plus une simple valeur, mais une table ; vous pouvez donc ajouter divers jobs, par exemple : {'weazelnews', 'lifeinvader', 'gouv'}.
Publication du script gratuit et open-source pour ouvrir lâimage en grand : lien
Les fichiers Ă changer sont client/cl_app.lua, server/sv_app.lua et config.lua(ligne 3 pour le JobRequired)
ConfigNewsApp.JobRequired is no longer a single value but a table; you can therefore add various jobs, for example: {'weazelnews', 'lifeinvader', 'gouv'}.
Removal of a console.log on the JS side.
Release of the free and open-source script to open the image in full size : link
The files to be changed are client/cl_app.lua, server/sv_app.lua, and config.lua(line 3 for JobRequired).
Hi, I can understand your problem, however, it is still necessary to have the latest versions of the ESX framework. However, I am currently working on a fix to allow modification freedom for the ESCROW version. I donât have a date yet, but I hope to have the time to finish it quickly.