[FREE] Vespucci Festival 🏖️🎵

Vespucci Festival :parasol_on_ground::musical_note:

Inspired by Faswan Festival (Hypnonema Compatible), Vespucci Festival is a free map created by TayMcKenzieNZ located in Vespucci Beach, just in front of the local skatepark.

Entertain your city with a FREE music festival map by either playing real life LIVE radio stations, Twitch stream your IRL DJing, or play YouTube videos!

The map requires PMMS FiveM / RedM synchronized media player by Kibook, updated by TayMcKenzieNZ for all screens to syncronize.

Dependencies :hammer_and_wrench:

Installation :gear:

  • Download Vespucci-Festival and drag the Vespucci-Festival folder into your server
  • Download httpmanager
  • Download pmms
  • Open the PMMS Festival Screen Config folder and copy the files over to the pmms resource folder

Add the following to your server.cfg:

ensure Vespucci-Festival
ensure httpmanager
exec @pmms/permissions.cfg
ensure pmms

By default, PMMS is set to admin only access, you can change this in the permissions.cfg provided with it, if you would prefer all players can access it. You will need to the read pmms installation instructions on the GitHub repository.

I recommend locking the Festival Screen when using it, so that others can’t stop, rewind, pause, and/or remove/add other songs.

Please also read the installation instructions of httpmanager.

PMMS :tv::notes:

I have provided files for PMMS which will change the values and settings, so that the Festival Screen audio can be heard from the pier making it a little more realistic. I have also provided some default radio stations that you can select in the UI of PMMS, to use if you wish to play those, on the festival screen, or inside your vehicle. They are examples, and you can of course add your own.

In the config file, I have set up the audio vislualizations for you and have marked out how many colours each one supports. You can of course change these if you wish to. Colours support names and/or hex codes.

Banner Textures :scroll:

Textures can be changed. Open faswanbanners.ydr and export the image, change it in photoshop or any photo manipulation program/website, save it as DXT5 DDS format, and import it back into the YDR.

Screenshots :camera_flash:


Thank you to knjgh0 on the cfx.re forums for allowing me to modify and upload the original files :pray:

DOWNLOAD - GITHUB :floppy_disk:


See My Other Resources Here:


Please actually read the installation instructions of pmms and httpmanager before commenting about having issues. Both resources are by Kibook, and not myself, and it is not rocket science to install them.

You should have basic knowledge of how to add resources before even attempting. I will not be spoon feeding support to people.



1 Like

Good job


Showcase Video :sunglasses:


this is dope

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legit. well done

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Fun! Thanks for this but also damn you for stopping the showcase vid right as the track was kicking in :joy:

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There’s more videos on the GitHub lol


I should’ve looked before I lept :person_facepalming:

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Do you know where I can find it because the link isn’t working anymore?

The user has pulled all their publicly available resources.

Thank you for your previous contributions to the FiveM community.