[FREE] [STANDALONE] | [V] HUD Minimalistic FiveM Hud

Update 1.4 has been released, mostly focused on the Front-End part of things.

The UImessage function is giving me troubles. Every UIMessage command is giving me this error.

That usually happens when the utils.lua file is loaded after client.lua which means the UIMessage function isn’t available to the client.lua file, would you mind using an older version or checking if you’ve changed your fxmanifest.lua?

Not really sure whats missing, but i just cant get this hud to work no mather what i do. Tried to completely remove qb-hud etc.

Edit: Its working now, some minor miss from my side. But, is there a way to toggle minimap or remove it while on foot?

No, i haven’t actually touched the minimap at all, i can go ahead and work on some configuration for the minimap in the future, what was the issue in the first place?

Sounds good. The issue was me downloading wrong version apparently lol. Working now though.

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Sound’s good mane, i’ll see in the future regarding minimap.

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am having this issue

You need to download the release version on the right side of the screen.

Link: Release V-Hud 1.45 · vipexv/v-hud · GitHub

How I download it

Click on v-hud.zip.

Would be pretty sick if you could implement a stress gain system like the one in qb-hud config.lua, also if the map would hide when on foot and and be able to change the map from circle to rectangle (on client side so each player would be able to choose either rectangle or circle). Just some suggestions, keep up the great work and thanks for the nice hud <3


Can you make an option to disable the speedometer and gas since I have a separate speedometer?

I don’t have a setup as or currently and can’t work, when and if I’m back I will work on it.

Ok just lmk when you update it

what hud is that ?

I downloaded it, installed it but it doesn’t work, the map on the left side barely appears

What resolution are you on?

Did you download a release/compiled version or source code?