[FREE] [STANDALONE] | [V] HUD Minimalistic FiveM Hud



Hey, i made this while trying stuff out with React & TS in FiveM, it’s currently still in development and bugs are 100% expected, i want to go ahead and add more features to this, please go ahead and give me some suggestions, as of currently it’s kind of very minimalistic and not with that many features.

New Version: Cfx.re Forums | [FREE] [STANDALONE] vHud | Advanced Minimalistic HUD

Runs at 0.00 - 0.01 Resmon.

Change Logs:

1.0 Release:

  • Originally this script was built with Vanilla HTML & JS, recently switched to using React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS.


  • Added Optional support for Hunger and Thirst for ESX/QB Core Frameworks.


  • Seatbelt added (QB Only for now/Optional)
  • ID (Standalone/Optional)
  • Configuration for Both the ID and Seatbelt added.
  • Small changes for Icon’s/Text to make some things look cleaner.
  • Delayed the Stress Option for QB, i'm not that familiar with QB so unsure if i should just grab the metadata and display it, or i have to write a complete stress increase/decrease mechanic.


  • Added Player Stress (QB/Optional)
  • Whenever the user Enters the Pause Menu the UI Disappears now. (Standalone/Optional)
  • Changed some minor stuff, such as the Seatbelt functions.
  • Updated Dependencies.
  • Added Types Definitions to mostly every single data received.
  • Speedometer Delay has been lowered, it should feel more instant now.


  • Added support for vRP (vRP functionality was written by @TacoTheDev)


  • Completely new part of the Hud Added, displays Cash/Bank/Black_Money/Job in the Top right, look at the image below for a preview. (QB/ESX)
  • Whatever else i did, just read the GitHub commit changes for everything else.


  • Updated some script logic for vRP compatibility.
  • Mostly Focused on Front-End Side and Re-Designing parts of the HUD.
Config | v1.4
Minimalistic (Standalone Version)
  • image
All of the optional configuration enabled (ESX/QB/vRP)
  • image

Preview Link: YouTube Note: This is Version 1.0, the initial Release.

Download Link: Github


pls qbcore food and thirst !

maybe you can add voice range indicator

I will be updating this with specific framework features for ESX/QB With Hunger/Thirst and other features that are requested.



Make it optional, make this HUD for DM servers and RP Alike

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Yeah that’s the plan, i just got done with the Hunger/Thirst for ESX and QB, they are optional even if your using the framework.

Make it for vRP


Very clean. I would recommend a seatbelt and engine health for the speedometer.


This thing is fire :fire:

Would be 100% one of the best huds out there if it had seatbelt🚗

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Update 1.1 Is Out, added QB and ESX Support for Hunger/Thirst Bars, these are all optional if people don’t want it enabled.

Seatbelt is going to be a Optional/Configurable option in the 1.2 Update.

Support for stress (QB)? And is the map changeable from circle to square?

The script doesn’t change the map at all, the one in the Preview was my own private server which has other things that change the map, it’s just the default map, in the future i will probably add map options, and i will go ahead and add stress in Version 1.2.

They mean the shape of the hud element. Not the maps ytd.


Please make it optional since many people don’t use/like stress

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Hey, first of all: Great Job. I love it.

How can i switch mph into kmh? I found in client.lua: 2.237 --Feel free to edit this if needed to switch to KMH, currently using MPH.

But i diont know how what i have to do.

Thanks :wink:

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Edit from build js file

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Is it possible you ad the Player-ID?

Gotcha, making the ID an optional feature in version 1.2 or 1.3.

As for KMH just multiply it by 3.6 instead of 2.237.

local speedVal = GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) * 3.6

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Suggestion - You mentioned you were going to add it to where it shows your player ID, You should make it in the bottom right. The car hud is going to be covering it so whenever a player gets in a car the player id moves maybe above the gear and you could also put the seatbelt above the mph