[FREE] [STANDALONE] Report System | Advanced NUI Based Report System/Menu


Preview: Youtube [v1.1.0]
Download: GitHub Releases
Source Code: GitHub

Script Information

  1. Performance: Runs at 0.00 Resmon (Client).
  2. Completely standalone meaning no other dependencies required.
  3. Permission System is compatible with ACE Perms and Discord Roles.

If you would like to contribute, please go ahead and head over to the GitHub page and feel free to send a pull request.



really nice work bro


very nice free release. I would suggest you add discord webhook to this.

I’ll look into adding that in a future update, thank you!

Nice script! :+1:

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Version 1.0.1 Released.

Bug Fixes

  • Settings loading everytime report menu is opened. (0f51f4c)


  • The source can now optionally include the nearest players in the report. (093e1db)
  • Added support for multiple Roles. (ffbff9e)

Preview for new features:


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It would be great if there was a possibility to have a live chat between the players and the admin, first of all to see what the problem is and then, if necessary, go to the players or close the ticket

It’s getting added in a future update, someone already requested that in discord :))

PS: i would say either 1.0.2 or 1.0.3 is going to have that.

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1.0.2 (2024-01-14)


  • New Configuration option to change the position of the notifications. (94f35b6)
  • Message System for Reports. (d359887)
  • Report’s have their own randomly generated ID now. (d359887)


  • Remove unused callback. (270b422)
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that was fast :smiley: thx for this nice stuff

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Thank you mane, feel free to report any bugs since i didn’t do extensive testing on this also feel free to suggest some new features/improvements.

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Anyone that updated to 1.0.2, please update to 1.0.3, it had a major bug with the message system that has now been fixed.

1.0.3 (2024-01-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Major fix for the message system that was released with 1.0.2, it had a bug which made it not functional (abdf3cc)

Regarding the Error: “Loop svMain seems hung!” causing crashes and performance issues.

This error has been fixed on all versions above 1.0.5.

Please update immediatly, for full change logs checkout the GitHub page.

As said before. I would recommend adding discord webhook compatibility

I forgot about that, it’s relatively simple, i’ll add an option for that in 1.0.6, i’ll release it either later today or tomorrow.

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For sure man! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Released v1.0.6 to add that feature.
PS: If you want more logs, please just notify me of what type of logs you want.

Report Recieved


Report Closed


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Is it possible to add an option that allows the player to write a report through a list F5?

It’s possible, but i would like for the script to be standalone which is why i don’t add anything that needs a dependency or for other scripts, it’s possible if you want to.

The logic for making the report modal appear is pretty simple if you want to go ahead and place itin another menu

RegisterCommand(Config.ReportCommand, function()
    UIMessage("nui:state:reportmenu", true)
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

How do I identify myself as a staff member? I can only open my report