As for the discord roles, it’s pretty self explanatory, you simply enable it, then configure it with your token and guild id in the sv_config.lua and then configure it with your preferred discord role id’s.
I went ahead and re-designed the interface for the report menu, i didn’t manage to work on the code quality or the back-end since i just primarily focused on this overnight but i went ahead and fixed some visual bugs and give it an overhauled design for v1.1.0.
I would love to completely re-write this in the future with my current tech stack and skills but i can’t guarantee anything, i wasn’t able to re-write much since my tech stack has changed allot over the past year, so the code quality is still pretty bad dud!
I randomly got the urge to work on this overnight, gave it a new design and fixed some visual bugs, but other than that i really don’t plan on updating this resource anymore because the code quality is pretty bad and my tech stack has changed allot.
But if i ever decide to re-write this script completely with my current tech stack and skills i’ll make sure to add those features.