[FREE] [STANDALONE] Realistic Role-Play with /stato on FiveM

:star2: Introducing the new script /stato! :star2:

Communicate your character’s status like never before!

Never has it been so easy to communicate your character’s status realistically during role-playing on FiveM! With /stato, your character can display 3D text directly on their body, allowing other players to immediately understand their situation.

:ok_hand: A more engaging and realistic role-playing experience!

Imagine being involved in a dramatic role-playing incident: you’ve fractured your finger! With a simple command, /stato, your character can show everyone that they’re injured and in need of care. Additionally, your character will be limited in the actions they can take, realistically adapting to their condition.

:muscle: Easy to use, even more engaging!

Here’s the best part: when your character is healed, simply type /statooff to deactivate the 3D text. With /stato, the role-playing experience on FiveM becomes even more engaging and realistic!

:fire: Be the protagonist of your role! :fire:

Share your adventures, challenges, and victories with other players using /stato! Make your character unique and involve other players in your role-playing story.

Credit: [Release] /me but the text is 3D printed

PREVIEW :eyes:

DOWNLOAD :arrow_left:

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 125 |
| Requirements | N/A |
| Support | Yes |

Nofront, but I think instead of “like never before!”, you mean “like since 2018”? :slight_smile:


they are two similar scripts but with different functionality

ye, but you can also say that if you simply add a command to your script that allows you to change the colour/size of the text and then release it again🫠

It doesn’t just change the color and size of the text. It has another functionality, the writing remains permanently fixed (it can only be removed with the command) and does not have the use of /me, but is used to indicate the physical state of the ped.

If I have offended anyone, I ask for forgiveness🙏

my point was that anyone can release whatever they want, but simply make a script (the concept of which has been around on fivem for ages) and then pretend it’s never been done before. Especially when the differences are so minimal

I made this script available, people can download it or ignore it. Someone is downloading it. And I’m happy to be able to help someone :grin:

Good job, it doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you see it or it’s been done before, what matters is that you are contributing to the fivem community and more than one will use it and appreciate it.

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so its basicly : [Release] /me but the text is 3D printed

but. the text stays…

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Thank you, this is what really matters. :heart_hands:

What I’m getting at is that I can’t prove it (apart from the fact that the DrawText3D function looks almost the same, including the order in which the natives are called and the formula to calculate the scale of the text), but the main point is that it’s another shining example for the forum, that scripts from other developers are treated with 0 respect and are eagerly taken by some users, rewritten for 2 minutes and then reuploaded (not even with a link to the original) and then claim to be an “inovative developer” with ideas that never existed before.



you’re not sleeping there at night.

what you don’t understand is that they have two different functions. the /me is used when the ped cannot carry out various actions, the /stato is used to indicate the physical state of the ped to other players. Certainly for the more experienced, such a script is not needed, but for those who cannot even write the word “hello” it is useful. I published it for those who needed it. Can you sleep at night now? bye :yawning_face:

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I think you’re missing my point. New script kiddies who have just watched 10 minutes of “How to script Lua in Fivem” on Youtube, then copy some scripts (which is not a bad thing in principle) and then make it out as if they were the first with the idea (especially with not even creds), are a slap in the face to all developers who make the effort to create new script concepts WITHOUT using the work of others and if they do, at least have the courage to honour the work of others with a credit.

The first time you release a major new script concept and then realise that some guy releases a slightly modified script and passes it off as his, you’ll understand what I mean.

I’m not just talking about you and I don’t want to discourage you from releasing, but if you are “inspired” by others, please respect the work of others. If you don’t care, don’t be surprised that I’m not the only one with this opinion about such “releases”.

edit i speak the language (italian) of the code comments so i can say for sure that those code comments are an exact 1:1 translation of the original code screen you posted for comparison, i’m not saying this to judge but to give a perspective.

sorry for my bad english btw

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Please. edit your comment (and mayb add the comment / sentence in the code), took me a minute to understand what you mean. :pray: (thx for your constribution :slight_smile:)

sorry ^^

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