[FREE][STANDALONE] [MAP] Real Los Angeles Postal Map

Hey guys :slightly_smiling_face: ,

This is my first official release so I am sorry if I messed anything up and am open to suggestions or critique. With that being said, I am excited to share it with the community and hope many servers can find use of this. This is the postal map we use in my city (ANH Presents: City Of Angels RP). If your city is like ours then it is based on real life Los Angeles and if you are like me then you like when servers go the extra mile to make things immersive. That is why I designed this postal map with real life Los Angeles locations and neighborhoods. The map has optimized textures and also works with the minimap as well.



FlyBanditMods - RealLAPostalMap.zip (37.7 MB)

I created this map using the amazing DLK Base Maps and the postals from OCRP’s Postal Map. Since it uses OCRP postals if you use the nearest postal script it will work with the ocrp configuration for that script. If you use Cayo Perico then it also includes a colored map for the island as well made by Nampac. I take no credit for the linked works, only for the design of the postals, adding the neighborhoods and locations, and removing all GTA streets and locations.

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements none
Support No

If you would like to support me please check out my tebex store for my other resources :slight_smile:


much respect bro


thank you! much appreciated


where caN i add this?
to the nearest postal script

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On steps 2 and 3 of the installation for nearest postal (see below) he describes how to configure it in the fxmanifest. Just use the ocrp configuration and you should be good to go.

  1. As of now, this script supports 3 postal maps. From what I have seen, these are the most popular
  1. To setup the postal map, open the fxmanifest.lua file and change the variable postalFile to one of the files above
  • NOTE: This defaults as the new-postals.json file
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Where to put the Stream folder in?
All in Extra FoldeR?

This map is so functional and looks so much better than the base map that’s in most servers. I can’t wait to see what else you release! Thank you!


hard to read compared to others. good effort tho

you can keep the stream folder in the folder when you extract it, just put the whole folder you extract in your resources and ensure like this

ensure FlyBanditMods - RealLAPostalMap

Any chance of the PSD files or modified without the LA stuff and just black postcodes?


Hey man unfortunately not but i know there is a version of the base map that I edited floating around that someone else made with regular gta stuff and black postal’s but it’s not the same postals.

is it possible to change the ”welcome to california” logo

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Sure you can DM me

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Im not sure if im the only one but when I use this ingame the mini map is blurry most of the time

ya and iff u drive more than 80 its normal

It may be a conflict with your HUD or another resource.

I have done some more research into this issue and here is what I found. I tested 3 different frameworks and the only one I could replicate the issue on was the standalone framework with only base resources in which I found really strange. The only major difference with the minimap I see between standalone and (ESX / QB which is what i usually test on) is that the minimap only loads when you get into car. When i turned of that function and then restarted the server the minimap was blurry if the player had it up when they first joined the server, but when I turned the function back on and playes couldnt see minimap unitl in a car then then minimap showed up clear. I hope this helps anyone having the blurry map issue. I’m not savvy enough with coding to know what might cause that.

Yeah I use andy’s Modern Hud I’m guessing thats the issue

nice…but can you make own cayo colour map?so can add postal at there

I’ve been trying to work on a cayo mini map to add to v2 of this map but the minimap for cayo works a little differently so I am still figuring that part out. That’s why I included the colored minimap from Nampac