[FREE] [STANDALONE] Icarus Anticheat

Icarus Advanced Anticheat

Icarus is a robust anti-cheat solution designed for FiveM role-playing servers. With unique detections and a diverse range of checks, it’s a comprehensive tool to catch cheaters. While occasional bugs or false positives may occur, your feedback through issues and pull requests is crucial to its refinement. Dive into Icarus, recognizing its evolving state, as it strives to be a powerful and reliable anti-cheat solution for your server.


Detections Other
Anti Aimbot No VPN
Anti Clear Tasks No Bad Words
Anti Entity Creation Forbidden Names
Anti Explosions Event Blacklist
Anti GiveWeapon
Anti RemoveWeapon
Anti Godmode
Anti Particles
Anti Illegal Peds
Anti Super Jump
Anti Tazer Mods
Anti Illegal Weapons
Anti Damage Modifier
Anti NoClip
Anti Projectiles


  1. Download the latest release for this repository.

  2. Extract contents into your /resources/ directory and ensure dependencies are installed.

  3. Read and adjust all configuration files carefully.

Permission Setup

Following ace permission allows selected players to bypass the anticheat detections and checks.

  1. Add the permission to the group you want to have bypass perms.

add_ace group.<yourgroup> icarus.bypass allow

  1. Add the according player license to previous chosen group.

add_principal identifier.license:<yourlicense> group.<yourgroup>


Numerous anticheat solutions are burdened by extensive ban systems and databases. Icarus, however, sidesteps these complexities to enhance compatibility and eliminate redundant code. To maximize the effectiveness of Icarus, it is imperative to integrate your own ban logic into the script, a process conveniently accomplished through the configuration file.

-- << config.lua >>
-- This function gets called when a cheater has been caught.
function Config.BanPlayer(source, reason)
    -- Your own banning logic goes here!


FXServer OneSync Yarn Screenshot-basic
6497+ Required Required Optional


Icarus Github


Seems nice! Gonna give it a try!


I Love it


In case of only kicks, how would the code be? in the function?

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can you tell me the ban function of txadmin ?


Great Work!

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i would also like to have that

woooooow nice work man

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If you just want to kick the player this would do the trick.

DropPlayer(source, reason)

Unfortunatly that is not supported by txAdmin, but they plan to add this in the future. You can make feature requests for the txAdmin API here if you would like this feature to be implemented.

hey is this qb/esx or standalone

Completely standalone. No need for ESX, QBCore or any other Framework.

This is good?

Yes, looks good to me :slight_smile:


Today I will test it on my server, to see if it kicks players wrong and good launch :smiley:

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This is freaking fantastic my man. Great work, hopefully it keeps on growing!

Edit: You should open up donations.

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can I get help sadness up please

I am getting this error. Can somebody help me?

You are likely running an old build, update to latest and problem should be resolved.

Hello i have some issues, this is my ban logic :

It looks like working well but i never get ban, and i have this in my server console :

Probably the AC don’t send the good player ID to ban.

Thanks, if someone can help me.