This is a Japanese font library designed for FiveM servers. The NotoSans font has been converted to the gfx format, ensuring compatibility with RAGE, the game engine powering GTA5. Included are four commonly used variants: thin, medium, semibold, and bold. While it’s technically possible to replace the file and use other fonts, it’s crucial to verify the commercial license before doing so to ensure compliance.
This library is intended for built-in functions like SetTextFont(). HTML based scripts are not compatible with this because they define the font in css file.
I included a example script to test these fonts out. Feel free to go to vector3(-981.28, -2637.14, 89.52)
and see the text there.
FiveMサーバー向け日本語フォントです。ttf形式のフォントをgfx形式に変換したものを4つ同梱しています。元のフォントはGoogleとAdobeが開発したNoto Sans Japaneseで、漢字の収録数は他のフォントと比べても圧倒的です。従って、漢字が文字化けする可能性は極めて低いと考えられます。
このフォントをテストするスクリプトも同梱しています。vector3(-981.28, -2637.14, 89.52)
To use this font library, simply place the resource folder into the standalone directory. This will automatically register the font files. Before utilizing these custom fonts within another resource, ensure that you start this resource first by editing the server.cfg file accordingly. Additionally, you’ll need to add <FONT FACE='FONT_NAME_HERE'>
before the string you want to display with the custom font. An example code will be provided below for reference. </font>
at the end of the string is optional.
このフォントを使うには、standaloneフォルダにこのリソースを入れてください。ほかのスクリプトでも使えますが、カスタムフォントを使いたいリソースの前にこのリソースを開始させてください。また、表示させたい文字列の前に <FONT FACE='FONT_NAME_HERE'>
while true do
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local distance = #(coords - playerCoords)
if distance <= maxDistance then
DrawText3D(coords, '<FONT FACE = "NotoSansMedium">あいうえおtest</font>')
Special thanks to these articles and their authors!