[FREE][STANDALONE][ADD-ON] Standalone Add-on Airsoft Guns

You can tho, I did :slight_smile: just have to add the item to qb-core/shared/items.lua, add the weapon with the specific ammo type to qb-core/shared/weapons.lua and add the useable item to qb-weapons.

Oh? That’s neat!

Would you know how to reduce the “Stungun” effect? I’d like people to kinda trip shortly but not fall to the ground shaking for 5 seconds… Ive tried changing various parameters in the weapons.meta but couldn’t find the right one yet :sweat_smile:

can you DM me how yours looks? i havent gotten it to work still, not sure why

how i setup this can not reload them have esx

Using ESX also and I got it working fine. It’s best to use an inventory system like ox_inventory, you’ll be able to create a new ammo type (BB Pellets) and set it in your weapons.lua.

but i use another iventory system any other way to create a new

After i use the airsoft i can not reload any normal gun how i can fix that?

can i change the time that the player ragdoll ?

Cant wait

Wait for next update

doing so would change the time the taser for is effective for as well

i dont thinks becouse you change the weapon.meta from WEAPON_CLOCK

and not from weapon_stungun

u able to send me your items file with them in

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U mean this? (ox_inventory) LEGACY 1.75

For qbcore

New update

Sadly I cannot get them to spawn at all by name as an admin.

I didn’t see this specifically stated for everywhere, what do I need to do for ammo type for QBCore? I’m inputting them into the weapons.lua and items.lua currently

I cant get them to work in my qbcore server i added them to the Items.lua and weapon.lua but when i try to spawn them it says item doesnt exist

What i added in Items.lua

	-- Airsoft Guns
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTAK47'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTAK47', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT AK47', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_RIFLE',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTAK47.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTGLOCK20'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTGLOCK20', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT GLOCK20', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_PISTOL',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTGLOCK20.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTM4'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTM4', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT M4', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_RIFLE',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTM4.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTM249'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTM249', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT M249', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_RIFLE',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTM249.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTUZIMICRO'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTUZIMICRO', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT Uzi', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_SMG',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTUZIMICRO.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTMP5'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTMP5', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT MP5', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_SMG',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTMP5.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTR700'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTR700', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT R700', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_SNIPER',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTR700.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTG36C'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTG36C', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT G36C', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_RIFLE',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTG36C.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
	['WEAPON_AIRSOFTR870'] 			 = {['name'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTR870', 		 	  	['label'] = 'AIRSOFT R870', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'weapon', 	['ammotype'] = 'AMMO_SHOTGUN',				['image'] = 'WEAPON_AIRSOFTR870.png', 		['unique'] = true, 		['useable'] = false, 	['description'] = 'An airsoftgun'},
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