911 Menu - Make calls through a menu

This menu is no longer actively being worked on, however feel free to download it. Click here for more information

Make sure to actually look at the config - I cover many things in there.
Download: GitHub - asciidude/911menu: A highly-configurable, advanced 911 menu for FiveM servers

Have you ever wanted to make 911 calls, but hated the command format of it? No…? Understandable :laughing: Well with this, you not only get categories which can help new role-players with making calls, but you also get Discord intergration and a highly-configurable AND highly-optimized resource!


  • :fast_forward: Optimized
  • :page_with_curl: Categories
  • :mailbox_with_no_mail: Nearest postal included with categories
  • :speech_balloon: Discord integration
  • :heart_eyes: Extremely easy to configure
  • :radio: Dispatch permission (see 911 calls)
  • :black_circle: Map blips!
  • :handshake:Support from the developer himself (asciidude#0001 on Discord) :woozy_face: Please do not contact me about this resource

Video showcasing some features: Some features of 911 Menu - YouTube



Using Discord integration


Using chat version
(sends to all clients connected OR people with a certain ACE permission, see in the config!)

Using chat version with categories

Download: GitHub - asciidude/911menu: A highly-configurable, advanced 911 menu for FiveM servers
Make sure to actually look at the config - I cover many things in there.


looks good :+1:

Thank you, for this. I’m someone who suggested this a little while ago. And this looks amazing and is VERY easy to config.

you show add a thing for a whitelist so only the ppl with access can get it. Or maybe make a export so people can integrate it with a on duty script

I’m not sure why I’d add an export considering it’s meant for civilians (also not sure what I’d export), however I can add a restrict command option

lol idk why i said to add a export not gonna lie. But i was saying you should add a system perhaps ace perms where only the people with perms can see the 911 call. Having it so everyone can see it could cause meta-gaming issues.

I see, I’ll look into it! Thanks for the suggestion :blush:

I’ve finally gotten the finishing touches on categories down and the script is now ready for what you were looking for! Just updated the GitHub


I have released a new update with categories, also updated the post with what it looks like!

I’ll be working on another update for the chat version (as you can see in the post)!

looks MUCH better, for some reason it wasn’t working for me but ill test this version and ill let you know if it works!

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Make sure you have NativeUILua installed along with nearest-postal! Any bugs should have been worked out in this version if you did have those installed xD

Gotta agree with it looking much better, before it wasn’t… “filled” enough to me xD

I got it to work, you just put the wrong NativeUI resource/script in the config.lua file. Anyways, I got a suggestion for you.

Instead of just clicking/pressing enter, make a text box so you can enter the reason instead of just using the category. So like the category “other”, that’s kind of pointless because how do you know what you’re reporting if it just says “other”, add a text box then put that as the reason.

Added! Just replying so everyone else gets this notification :stuck_out_tongue:

:exclamation::exclamation: NEW UPDATE :exclamation::exclamation:

I have just released a new update with “dispatch permissions” that allows you to see 911 calls. This CAN be disabled, as it will send the “Your call has been recieved” message if this is enabled to callers - even to the people that has the permissions (yes, it’s possible to change this, but I won’t lol).

IF YOU RESTART THE SCRIPT it will remove EVERYONE that had dispatch permissions from the array, so anyone with dispatch permissions MUST rejoin. I tried looking for an alternative for a while but couldn’t find anything that suited my needs (aka no database).

Thanks for reading :smile:
Download: GitHub - asciidude/911menu: A highly-configurable, advanced 911 menu for FiveM servers

Bug fix! Command name in config is now actually usable

Does this pop up on the map as a marker as well?

Nope, but I’m looking into adding that


Blips, bug fixes, and better event naming. Along with some script optimization!


I have made it to where blips now delete once a client leaves instead of leaving them on there forever - this should remove the need for restarts.


Blips not working properly - this has now been fixed as before it was not working. Instead of using the server to create the blip for clients, I for some reason used the client not thinking properly. This is now fixed and shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

TL;DR: Blips are now usable.

Download: GitHub - asciidude/911menu: A highly-configurable, advanced 911 menu for FiveM servers