Very helpful developer. Does everything he can to ensure this script becomes the best it can be. 100% recommend.

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This menu has been fixed up by Alec, also removing the need to use the outdated NativeUILua.
Again, thanks a ton Alec!

Download: GitHub - asciidude/911menu: A highly-configurable, advanced 911 menu for FiveM servers

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Code was outdated before, went ahead and fixed it

Download: GitHub - asciidude/911menu: A highly-configurable, advanced 911 menu for FiveM servers

:raising_hand_man: DEVELOPER UPDATE :raising_hand_man:

After thinking about this for quite some time, I have decided to stop working on this resource. It is still up for download and always will be - however bugs and such will not be updated.

Sorry to anyone who experiences bugs, but if you create a pull request with some bug fixes I will gladly pull it.

Thanks to anyone who uses/used this resource :heartpulse: