[Free] RPEmotes

Thanks man

Hi, for a month or two, I no longer have any particles on the effects of animations like vape animation I have no smoke

Hello, thank you for reaching out.

Similar thing happened to myself and another person. I figured it out however.

Q. I have latest server artifacts, gamebuild and onesync enabled, but no matter how many times I press G, the ptfx don't work? Please help!

A. Use Onesync Infinity. On txadmin, this'll simply be an option you can select.
Q. How do I use Onesync Infinity with a localhost server?

A. First of all, in order to use OneSync Infinity, you must have a "FiveM Element Club Argentum" or higher key. Open your start.bat file using Notepad++ or any text editor OTHER THAN Window's Notepad and add the following:

+set onesync on +set onesync_enableInfinity 1 +set onesync_enableBeyond 1 +set onesync_population true

You can put this before your gamebuild enforecement, aka `+set sv_enforceGameBuild XXXX`

I hope this answers your question. You can select infinity with txadmin also

Thx, work perfectly now


Huge shoutout to @MadsL and @iSentrie for picking away at this for the last few days, I appreciate your dedication, hard work and attention to details. I am sure the community will too


:arrow_forward: Crouching has been improved and worked on tremendously. Server owners can opt in to either overriding the stealth/action/ducking animation when pressing the LEFT CONTROL key bind, or have players tap LEFT CONTROL twice to switch from stealth to crouch. Players can not crawl into water and weapon wheel is disabled while crawling as otherwise, the ped’s spine goes super human and we don’t want that lol.

:arrow_forward: Added ability to crawl with the RIGHT CONTROL key bind. Players can move forward, back, left and right as well as turning around. Press SPACEBAR to switch from laying on stomach to laying on your back. Pressing RIGHT CONTROL key while running will have the player “dive into” a crouching animation.

:arrow_forward: Added /crouch chat command

:arrow_forward: Added /crawl chat command

:arrow_forward: Crouch and Crawl use RegisterKeyMapping, players can set their own preferred key binding. If issues occur, press F8 and enter unbind keyboard lcontrol and undbind keyboard rcontrol then set your desired key binds in the ESC menu

:arrow_forward: Player can not crawl in water

:arrow_forward: Crawling is done via a mix of multiple animations, therefore it may be a little slow and you can not enter a vehicle while crawling; you will need to cancel the crawling before entering a vehicle. Crouching you can enter a vehicle, it’ll just cancel it out :stuck_out_tongue:

Config Changes:

    -- If crouching should be enabled.
 CrouchEnabled = true,
    CrouchKeybindEnabled = true, -- If true, crouching will use keybinds.
    CrouchKeybind = 'lcontrol', -- The default crouch keybind, get the button string here: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
    CrouchOverride = false, -- If true, you won't enter stealth mode even if the crouch key and the "duck" key are the same.
    -- If crawling should be enabled.
    CrawlEnabled = true,
    CrawlKeybindEnabled = true, -- If true, crawling will use keybinds.
    CrawlKeybind = 'rcontrol', -- The default crawl keybind, get the button string here: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/


exports["rpemotes"]:EmoteCommandStart(emoteName, textureVariation)
exports["rpemotes"]:EmoteCancel(forceCancel) – forceCancel is optional

New Emotes:

:arrow_forward: Added puke2
:arrow_forward: Added puke3
:arrow_forward: Added kick
:arrow_forward: Added kick2
:arrow_forward: Added kick3
:arrow_forward: Added shield
:arrow_forward: Added shield2

Shoutout to Chocoholic Animations:

:arrow_forward: Added airportbag2
:arrow_forward: Added skatesit - Thanks to LucasYN#0001 for the custom emote and Molly for fixing the height
:arrow_forward: Added skatesit2
:arrow_forward: Added skatehold
:arrow_forward: Added skateholdb
:arrow_forward: Added skateholdc
:arrow_forward: Added skateholdd
:arrow_forward: Added skateholde
:arrow_forward: Added skateholdf
:arrow_forward: Added skateholdg

:arrow_forward: Added mafia

:arrow_forward: Added skatesit
:arrow_forward: Added skatesit2

The Boring Stuff Nobody Cares About:

  • Updated ReadMe on GitHub to document changes
  • Updated Menu Credits
  • Updated GitHub Credits

:arrow_forward: Fixed ExitEmotes. You can no longer bypass them

:arrow_forward: Moved Finger Pointing into it’s own file and added fixes

:arrow_forward: Added exports["rpemotes"]:IsPlayerPointing()


:heavy_plus_sign: Added shopbag4 emote
:heavy_plus_sign: Added cofpose emote

:hammer_and_wrench: Attempted To Fix MenuKeybindEnabled = false not hiding the menu as intended

Unfortunately this isn’t quite the fix people may be wanting; it’ll be fixed for new players however, you cannot force a key to be unbinded, therefore if you yourself unbind the key in F8, it will now be removed for yourself, however anyone else who uses RPEmotes in any other server, will either have it accessible via the default F4 of which it is set to by default, or whichever key they assigned it to themselves.

We may look into this again at a later date however are focused on more important tasks at hand.

:hammer_and_wrench: Fixed Exit Emotes cancel bug

You could still cancel exit emotes if you started to play another animation and then cancelled that emote.

:hammer_and_wrench: Changed & improved ExitEmotes for surrender related emotes

:hammer_and_wrench: Renamed sitlow to elbow

:heavy_plus_sign: Added Police Crowd Control emotes


:tools: Prevent gliching through doors using ragdoll

:tools: Add pause menu check for crawling. Don’t start/stop to crawl if we are in the pause menu

:tools: Changed the diving animation for sprinting into crawling. It now looks much smoother. Thanks to NotDoctorMike on Twitter for the suggestion and iSentrie for changing it

:tools: Added a small wait time to prevent crawl movement animations to start being played before we have fully laid down

:heavy_plus_sign: Added new feature to AnimationOptions to disable specific emotes from playing inside a vehicle. NotInVehicle =true

:hammer_and_wrench: Fixed ‘broken spine/arm’ when aiming weapon after performing an animation, such as reaching2 (edited)

Hello Tay,

I’m getting an error that you can see on the following image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/920435103841275924/1067982699060535306/image.png

It’s mine or it is something about new updates of FiveM/GTA?

I’m using latest artifacts and latest GTA build .

That is a weird error :neutral_face: Can you try backing up your RPEmotes and putting it somewhere else, downloading RPEmotes again with latest version available on GitHub, and trying again with no custom content? We’ll look into it but I don’t quite understand that error message :thinking:

When you have errors and look for help, then at least explain how or where it happens, leave a repro also make sure you use latest version.

Pretty much what @iSentrie said, it would be helpful if you could tell us what emote caused that error

Was reported by staff of mine server. Camera Flash, Champagne Spray… But it was solved on ticket. Thanks for your suggestion

Version 1.1.3 :tools:

A fix to check whether or not the (prop) model is valid, has been added to RPEmotes thanks to @MadsL

Previously, if you for whatever reason used an older gamebuild than the very latest available, of which we recommend and selected an emote that had a prop from a higher gamebuild attached to it such as pumpkin3, pumpkin4, pumpkin5, vape2 or apple, the menu would completely lock up and you would have to restart the script.

Instead, the emote will still appear in the menu, will be clickable, however the prop will not appear.

It is recommended to at least be on gamebuild 2699, or 2802 if you want vape2 to work also. To do so, take 5 minutes of your day to read this before complaining and spamming FAQs in our support server.

The pumpkin ones worked fine the vape2 , papers, present box was freezing the menu for me and I’m up to date with everything on my server was it one of those?

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As mentioned a bazillion times; enforce the highest gamebuild. I also have a tutorial on how to do so.

We have added a fix where, if the prop or animation does not exist in that gamebuild, it simply will just not load, however the menu will still work. For example, Apple. the animation plays, but the prop doesn’t.

People just need to learn to read…

The latest is drug wars aka 2802, not 2699.

Can you send me the code for the prop or animation does not exist without using the latest gameversion.
I cant use the newest gamebuildversion on my server.
Would be kind if u send me the code to replace it.

No. I can not just send you one or two files. You need to update RPEmotes, your server artifacts, your gamebuild and everything else for it to work as intended. If you cannot update your gamebuild, and your game is not legit, that’s not my problem.

There is absolutely no reason why someone can’t be on the latest gamebuild other than the follow 3, of which have very, very simple solutions:

  • Reaching addon clothing YMT limits

Combine multiple packs into one, so long as it doesn’t exceed 128.

  • Maps and MLOs

Often bug out on newer gamebuilds simply because you’re streaming a file that was modified for a previous ymap and the game is trying to load the newer one. Simply learn codewalker and update your damn maps

  • Not knowing how

I’ve literally written a tutorial

could you add c walk dance and maybe some medical emotes for ems with bzzz new stuff [ADDON] [PROPS] Sphygmomanometer (for script developers) - #5 by hasidu

huh? I don’t understand