[FREE] rpemotes-reborn - A standalone emote system for FiveM

rpemotes, reborn!

rpemotes-reborn is a community-driven FiveM emote menu that allows players to express themselves in roleplay with custom animations, countless facial expressions, walk styles, and props inspired by DullPear.

I’ve made some additional fixes to prevent prop spam and some other things, but if you find more issues or feel there are improvements you can make, feel free to make a PR.

The goal of this is to keep the standalone nature of it, so please keep that in mind when making any fixes/changes.


  • Emote Preview - View emotes before you use them!
  • Multiple Translations :earth_asia:
  • Search Function :mag_right:
  • Custom Animations with permission from the community :running_man:
  • Persistent Facial Expressions via client KVP :crazy_face:
  • Animal Emotes :poodle:
  • Shared Dances :man_dancing::dancer:
  • Persistent Walkstyles via client KVP :man_walking:
  • Standalone, QB-Core and ESX support!
  • Persistent Disabling Of Idle Camera via KVP :movie_camera:
  • Crouching :lady_beetle:
  • Crawling :bug:
  • Finger Pointing :point_up_2:
  • Ragdoll :dizzy_face:
  • Hands up :raised_hands:
  • Shared Particle Effects :dash:
  • SQL Keybinding Support :gear:

And More! See the GitHub for a full list.



rpemotes-reborn docs can be found here:


1. Is there a paid version of rpemotes-reborn?

No. rpemotes-reborn will forever be free and available to the community. We will never sell rpemotes-reborn, and all code, emotes and assets will be available to the community under GPL 3.0, and the agreements made with contributors who asked that all props and emotes not be sold.

2. Can I use the code from rpemotes-reborn for a paid resource? What license does this hold?

Like rpemotes, rpemotes-reborn uses a GPL 3.0 license. You can find more about that here. Please be aware if you use code from rpemotes-reborn your derivative work must follow and use this license. You can do anything you want within the rules of the license.

3. I want to change the banner, do you have an example?

Here is an example that you can edit. Please keep the same dimensions. Anything else can be changed.



Do you plan to expand upon this? add more emotes etc?

Not myself; if someone wants to add more, they are free to contribute. I’ve made some fixes just for spam prevention. I know Tay had made some fixes/additions to rpemotes before he deleted it, but I’m not sure what he did/what he added.


A masterpiece!

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Finally peace :dove:


Wow so thats what happened to the original… glad to see it reborn and continuing on, hopefully bigger and better than before with less drama.

Downloaded, however none of the emotes aside from, crouch, point, handsup seem to work. No errors aside from on launch about a server sided script printer.lua missing.
Any ideas? This has me feeling very smooth-brained.

Do you have dp-emotes or another emote system installed? I think they conflict.

No I don’t have anything else. Just a base QB basically.

No I don’t have anything else. Just a base QB basically.

Did you try commenting that out in the fxmanifest? There was some printer file that printed a console message on start. Try commenting it out of the fxmanifest, refreshing, and ensuring it again. I’ve removed it on the repo.

Hello! Thank you so much for your work! However, I also have an error. None of the animations work except raising hands, ragdolling and pointing.

I found out that gaits and facial expressions also work. Only body animations don’t work.

can confirm this does not work

@Getmac @RedSkyRP @Metro_State

Download the latest version or delete line 768:

if not LocalPlayer.state.canEmote then return end -- Added by Demigod916

This was put in for a specific resource we use on my server, popcorn rp, which was causing this break.


Still doesn’t work even after deleting the 768

Try redownloading, I had 2 others try them fresh with that line deleted And it was working.

Also what is not working, the entire resource or just anims?

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def working now thank you, is there a place where i can go to find addons? I seen more emotes , just curious , great script!

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Various creators are making free/paid emotes that can work in this. They can contact me, and I can provide a link to them (free or paid) if they’d like, or people can share some in the comments of their favourites. I know GTA 5 mods have a bunch of poses and animations.

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GTA 5 Mods by BoringNeptune - GTA5-Mods.com All of this guys emotes are super awesome if anyone can add them :slight_smile:


shii looking like a warzone finisher