[FREE RELEASE] [vRP] Inventory Hud | Hotbar & more, secure and well coded!

And does the loot opens the other person inv so you could choose witch item you want, and for the cops so the could only take the prohibited items .

Yes, I can add the glovebox and the blur effect.

Maybe in future, not for now

Hello again , I have checked the trsak inv and there is a command that i think you could use for this idea . /openinventory <player_id> - opens given player inventory

Is that command for staff only right?

When I remove the gun from the hotbar to the inventory or when I take it off the hotbar and destroy it, the gun is still in the hand and can be fired. Also when I pick up an npc’s gun from the ground I get the equipped gun

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Inventory working with slots would also be a good idea

Thanks, i will push a fix ASAP

It will come some day

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Yes it has permission as I read but I think you could use it for that purpose.

do you intend to add durability?

So how about other then asking to open the trunk, if the car is opened you could open the trunk and with the animation the trunk opens also ?(opens as go up)

Yes, in 1-2 weeks

I will add it in one of the next updates


Do you intend to add a drop system so it leaves a marker when you drop a item and when you open the inv near it it shows the dropped items and you could take it and any where if you open the inv instead of the second inv message it opens a ground slot

Yes, I already started working on it

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:heart_eyes: where were you before

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UPDATE v1.9.2

  • Added blur effect
  • Fixed the weapon now will be removed when you drop it
  • Fixed NPC weapon drops
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Hello again so I have an idea to add is at the top left of the inv you could ad something to describe which inv is open like the image ,and to add the weight in each item.

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So if you add the loot that opens the other inv you could add a button that when you press it it steals the cash from the other player, and a nice thing to add is when you hover on a item you git a definition about it in the bottom like the image
And when some one uses an item he get this

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And if you could add the gun extra like flash ,and grip ,color…. as items it would be nice


When I restart the server or the game the items in the hotbar go into the inventory. It would be good to keep the items after restart

I don’t know what I do but sometimes I click to open the inventory and it doesn’t open. Other times it opens but doesn’t show the items.

Sorry for sending multiple messages.