[FREE RELEASE] Easytime - Time and weather management by Codesign

Yeah you can, just disable the time/weather option in vMenu in the config I think it is

used this in my server

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i have the same problem with wet floors in shells

from what i had seen, it is normal even with qb-weathersync, when you enter a shell, it will stop the rain, but the floors are wet, and after few seconds they dry up. if you had done the entering and exiting the shells command right, it should not rain inside

Hey we are currently using this on our server which works extremly well BUT there is one thing i wanna know.

Is there anything to make the time go by really slow ?

Config.TimeCycleSpeed changing this results in bugging out the clock that we have on our HUD.
we want it like a ingame is like 15 minutes in real time :slight_smile:

Hey, what version of easytime are you using?

Hey looks like we are running 1.3.6 atleast fxmanifest says so :smiley:

any info ?

You best option would be to reach out to our support team - Iā€™ll dm you how do so so as we donā€™t really offer too much support on the forums

would you be able to help me out with my personal script having the same problem when exiting nui with my resouce or point to what you did

did you change the resource name? it should be cd_easytime

what was the fix for this? Im getting it as well

the end of the error message has been cut off so cant really answer that correctly

Idk I havenā€™t used this menu since

looks like the ESX is nil error if anything


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Love it. I use it for some events on my server. For about a halloween event or december x massā€¦ nice

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We have easytime on our server, so far itā€™s great, but for the life of us we cannot get the aceperms working.

We have aceperms configured through easyadmin and Badgers API, but regardless of when we define aceperms as the framework and define the group, anyone can still open the menu.

Does anyone have any insight as to whatā€™s going wrong here?

To clarify, we had the standalone aceperms as well and had the same issue before we transitioned to aceperms through EasyAdmin.

been working great so far, only thing is that dynamic weather setting doesnā€™t save through a server restart.

Amazing time script! simple looking and easy to use. Highly recommend

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