[FREE] QBCore & ESX | Wheel Theft System

FiveM Wheel Theft


This system allows players to steal wheels from any vehicle.

This is a QBCORE & ESX wheel theft script By Hlib L’ghoula.


  • Open source fully unlocked.
  • ESX & QBcore compatible.
  • Animation + Wheel prop.
  • Fully customizable script.
  • Easy to setup.


Config = {}
Config.Framework = "newqb" -- "newesx" || "oldesx" || "newqb" || "oldqb" 
Config.WheelItem = "wheel" -- wheel item
Config.RequiredItem = "torque_wrench" -- or false for no required item
Config.WheelDistance = 1.0 -- max distance between closest wheel and player
Config.CreateWheelProp = true -- enable wheel prop
Config.WheelDuration = math.random(5000, 10000) -- wheel removal duration in ms

Config.Notification = function(message, type) -- You can change here events for notifications
    if Config.Framework == "newesx" or Config.Framework == "oldesx" then
        TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message)
    elseif Config.Framework == "newqb" or Config.Framework == "oldqb"  then
        TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type, 1500)
    elseif Config.Framework == "custom" then
        -- put your notification event here
        -- or use gta default
        DrawNotification(false, false)

Config.Minigame = function() -- minigame, used this https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-ui
    local won
        won = success
    end, 5, 10)
    return won

-- notifications
Config.notif1 = "You already have a tyre in hand"
Config.notif2 = "Wheel Removed"
Config.notif3 = "Failed!"
Config.notif4 = "No wheel nearby!"
Config.notif5 = "No vehicles nearby!"

Using hg-wheel on other resources:

exports['hg-wheel']:StealWheel() -- remove closest wheel

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Wanted System that appeared in preview

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 250
Requirements none
Support Yes

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Free releases : Releases that are released for free must contain a download other than Tebex (such as a direct download or GitHub). You may include a Tebex link but it must not be the only download.


Thank you for the information, we just updated the post :smile:

Wouldn’t be more logical to trigger car alarm instead of a wanted alert ? How is that making sense ? Cool script tho.


The script does not trigger the wanted alert, we wanted to test the new wanted UI while shooting the video as we recently updated it :smiley: . For the car alarm trigger you can simply add it using this native.

	vehicle --[[ Vehicle ]], 
	state --[[ boolean ]]
	vehicle --[[ Vehicle ]]

under this function

function startstealing(closestVehicle, closestWheelIndex)
1 Like

Actually its such a useful one, i suggest it

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Thnx for sharing this

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lmao too good

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great script useful and fun. would be cool once you take a wheel off, the car is left on a jack stand or a concrete brick…

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just wondering if taking the wheels off the car is client or server sided?

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it is client sided but u can implement server checks depending on your needs

Wondering why some vehicles wheel don’t get removed visually? That is why some of my players will just farm on that one particular vehicle.

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That’s obviously not the intended behavior. The script is open source so you can debug the issue. Could be a conflict between scripts.

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Probably an issue where the client taking off the wheel does not have control over the entity or something.

Actually it does check if the wheel entity exist or no :smiley: , you can check the code