But where in that section does it go?
When you get to that section it looks like this:
(function QBCore.Player.CheckPlayerData(source, PlayerData)
PlayerData = PlayerData or {}
local Offline = not source
if source then
PlayerData.source = source
PlayerData.license = PlayerData.license or QBCore.Functions.GetIdentifier(source, 'license')
PlayerData.name = GetPlayerName(source)
applyDefaults(PlayerData, QBCore.Config.Player.PlayerDefaults)
if GetResourceState('qb-inventory') ~= 'missing' then
PlayerData.items = exports['qb-inventory']:LoadInventory(PlayerData.source, PlayerData.citizenid)
return QBCore.Player.CreatePlayer(PlayerData, Offline)
and isn’t very clear on where that section of code should be added.