[Free] Ox Inventory

Download the latest oxmysql.zip from the Releases section to the right on the GitHub repo.

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i try it but is the same error

Is there any way to use an item, and then get another item? i have tryed several possibilitys, but nothing worked.

nice bro

how to remove this from my server?
i want to add my inventory
when i remove this i cant log in to server… not cool
or how to switch from F2 to other button ?

Delete resource, wipe player inventories (or convert to standard ESX format).

Amazing inventory!

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Recently updated to the latest version of ox_inventory, and start receiving the current error/s below in the screen shot:

My oxmysql is up to date as well as ox_lib, and i’ve browsed the ox documentation specifically this page
( setPlayerInventory | Overextended ), but cannot seem to find a solution.

If someone could please help me out with this issue, I am happy to provide the necessary files.

Also getting this error when a player is trying to retrieve there vehicles from the impound:

Same error :frowning:

I am trying to give an item from my inventory and when I hover the item to Give and i drop it in it doesn’t let me choose the id of the player that the item goes. It just goes to a random person I guess. Does anybody know how to fix that?

hi, the inventory is perfect no issues apart from with the ammo i cant stack ammo into a gun so i cant have ammo stored in my weapon it just says 18/0

If you define “random” as “the player standing in front of your model, as determined by a raycast” then sure.

I haven’t noticed if it is the person in front of me but even so if it is the person that is in front of you it is annoying to have to go face him to give him anything. I was just asking if there is a way to display each person whos around me in a list and select from their id where the item will go.


True, I usually throw items behind me at random.

a way to display each person whos around me in a list and select from their id where the item will go

Edit code.

Have you found a solution to the problem? I ran into the same

Hi! Did you manage to find a solution to the problem?

Hello everyone :wave: , is there an export/event when an item is thrown/given for ox_inventory ?
I didn’t see anything in the documentation :thinking:

Hi! When a new player joins, the inventory capacity always drops to 0.025kg. Can someone help? Thanks in advance!

Hi everyone, I’m making a script that allows players to create their own stash using an item. When the item is used, I write the new inventory on the addon_inventory table, I use the RegisterStash function of the ox_inventory and then through the marker the player is able to access the inventory. Also through ox_inventory the player deposits or withdraws what he wants, however, when the server is restarted, the stored items are deleted. Am I missing a step? Can anyone help me?


Hi, anyone else has a problem with trunk and gloveboxes that deletes all the time after parking in the cd_garage?