[FREE] NPWD (Standalone phone)

I’m using the latest server artifacts for ox template server…

nil value for the (global ‘ESX’) ?

I think it has something to do with.
ESX.ShowNotification('No phone', 'error') ?

** Edit: I tried changing it to mythic notification, however, this error now appears.
*** Figured it out, yeah I added boolean to false after the else function to return it… Thank you again bro.

Glad you worked it out!

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Does this work with mumble voip?

Hi, I’m having a problem where F1 will do the animation of opening the phone and ill get a cursor on my screen but i dont see the phone

Would be great to enlarge images/photos on click. Right now they are way too small.

Also, there’s no localization support (no Russian) - and I cannot just add it.

Also, it would be great to share GPS location (in any app).

The same happens to me! Did you manage to solve it?


Please create an issue with the ’ Enhancement’ template in the GitHub repo.

[         script:npwd] SCRIPT ERROR in event `npwd:getCredentials': TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getPhoneNumber')
[         script:npwd] > <unknown> (@npwd/resources/dist/server.js:38643)
[         script:npwd] 

My database:


  "PhoneAsItem": {
    "enabled": false,
    "exportResource": "my-core-resource",
    "exportFunction": "myCheckerFunction"
  "general": {
    "useResourceIntegration": true,
    "toggleKey": "f1",
    "toggleCommand": "phone"
  "database": {
    "useIdentifierPrefix": true,
    "playerTable": "users",
    "identifierColumn": "identifier",
    "identifierType": "license",
    "profileQueries": true,
    "phoneNumberColumn": "phone_number"
  "images": {
    "url": "https://api.imgur.com/3/image",
    "type": "imgur",
    "imageEncoding": "jpg",
    "contentType": "multipart/form-data",
    "authorizationPrefix": "Client-ID",
    "useAuthorization": true,
    "returnedDataIndexes": ["data", "link"]
  "imageSafety": {
    "filterUnsafeImageUrls": true,
    "embedUnsafeImages": false,
    "embedUrl": "https://i.example.com/embed",
    "safeImageUrls": [
  "twitter": {
    "showNotifications": true,
    "generateProfileNameFromUsers": true,
    "allowEditableProfileName": true,
    "allowDeleteTweets": true,
    "allowReportTweets": true,
    "characterLimit": 160,
    "newLineLimit": 10,
    "enableAvatars": true,
    "enableEmojis": true,
    "enableImages": true,
    "maxImages": 3
  "match": {
    "generateProfileNameFromUsers": true,
    "allowEditableProfileName": true
  "debug": {
    "level": "silly",
    "enabled": true,
    "sentryEnabled": true

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Getting the exact same issue. Tried messing with the config a bit, but no luck so far.

Same :frowning:

Thanks, looks neat, performs well :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t use a depreciated voip. Use pma-voice.

So know one knows how to fix this?

When a new player join server, he doesn’t have number.
if he buys a simcard and use it, he get’s a number (sim card resource) But he can’t use phone until he restart.
Any event i can call to refresh phone ?

TY, and TY for this amazing work.

Do you have phone_number or is null ?
it’s working for me

Hello nice Phone :slight_smile:
is this in any way compatible with ■■■■■■■■■, and if yes. how? ^^

probably not as its censored on the forums (dont even know what youre talkng about)

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You can add russian locales

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destroys all other phones… easily.


great work!

I can’t wait to use this! Upgrading in a day or 2!!!