[FREE] [MLO] Vic Roads, QLD and NSW MLO

Since some people want to charge so much for something that can be done in like 1 day… Just a box with some props. :rofl:, anyways here u go fellas hope u like it:

Video: https://youtu.be/1AXH7kqnEZc

It comes with the following versions:

  • NSW Transport

  • Vic Roads

  • Queensland Department of Transport

These can be activated/deactivated through the custom made IPL script provided!

cfx-blaze-drivingschool.rar (8.8 MB)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Number of lines
Requirements None
Support Yes

I own the paid one, i might remove it and use this :rofl:


i use as cityhall now

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nice :wink:

it’s prob better xD

There is no way you modeled all this in one day, is very clear you stole our encrypted assets. Unlocked it all and then did a retexture…

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That’s why everything has the exact same shape… of our props

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And as always with cheap knockoff’s there are multiple issues with it. Don’t forget the age old saying of “You get what you pay for” and $55 a month for our subscription which gives access to a plethora of maps and all our future maps to come it is more than fair… :wink:


When you compare it to paid quality…
first of all, there is actual windows…

You get more custom props and they don’t float

There is also no dodgy patch work

But please continue to insult our much higher quality work… that was made from scratch and not ripped from someone else…

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it’s the attitude you guys had that was the main issue honestly, if you don’t listen to paying customers you’re not going to listen to anyone. Also im not sure how you call 3 mlo’s a “Plethora” of maps, no ones going to use all states mlo’s so therefor the most you’ll actually use is like 3 maps. Post office, pharmacy, and one of the roads offices.

Firstly, you are the only paying customer that has raised a concern about the price (the rest are Randoms that stumbled across the release and half of them are American and don’t understand the small market myself and my team are in)… as for attitude I’m really not too sure what you are referring to there as all we did was explain our personal reasoning for making the changes… (which mind you don’t affect you as you have already purchased our AUS Post and our DMV) Yes currently it is only 3 maps, but 3 high quality maps that are unique to Australia with more to come. If you don’t want to support us that’s fine we are not forcing anyone to buy from us… and that’s our loss to bare not yours, if we notice a considerable drop in sales yeah we might change things up but for now this is our current movement as a business.

We are very helpful to our paying customers. I even recall helping you with some server stuff after your purchase so it really baffles me how you could be so rude and inconsiderate about the work myself and my team goes through to release these for not only you but other Australian servers.

The price we set is what we feel we need to be adequately compensated as a team for the time we put into our work. Once again we are not forcing anyone to purchase anything…

Hopefully this clears some things up for you. Also if you are genuinely concerned as a customer please use our discord to contact us and we will take you enquiry seriously… but making remarks on cfx about how our work is not worth “x” amount isn’t going to cause us to reach out and help you as its quite frankly disrespectful to myself and my team.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

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legit nobody cares about the feelings of someone online especially if you boost the price up to $275. if you don’t want competition don’t raise the prices to take advantage of the australian community.

Have a good day :slight_smile:


We are not taking advantage of them lol… Once again we do still offer our subscription. We raised the prices of the standalones to that amount so the people who are paying for their subscription get their value… Anyway once again, if you don’t like it don’t buy it… simple… no need to go around hating on a local Australian business for trying to make sure their team is adequately compensated for the hard work and time they put into making you guys maps. Like its honestly a joke that no one complains about $50 for a donation subscription to a server that gives you a few imaginary benefits but a actual 3D asset that has had hours of work put into it isn’t worth the same?

We could honestly just not make the maps at all… which we did stop for a while cause it just wasn’t worth the time we were putting in… there is no need to complain. At the end of our day this is our price if you don’t like it go elsewhere.

Who do you think you are to tell other creators how to price their content? We will learn the hard way from not getting results. My advice is you mind your own business…

do u want me to take some screenshots of your work ? are u sure about that?


now what? :wink:

wake up, 55$ for a subscription? are u out of ur mind?
and 150 $ for a Box with some props?
and don’t forget, yes i have 1or2 floating props, but mine’s Acessible to the Public and everyone can do what they want, and i don’t charge them nothing, not even to change the logos, mine works with IPL script, try that, maybe you’ll get better in the future! Money’s not all in life :rofl:


i’ll refer you to apollo developments if you want to compare another Australian devs mlo’s $80 you get a fully detailed 2 story police station or an entire fire HQ based on australian models. Yes you did help me out and i have no issue with your customer support it’s just the attitude you have with the pricing. It may not effect me which is even more of a reason to listen… i don’t see people buying it for the prices you have set them when they can get way better detailed interiors cheaper is all. End of the day though it’s your choice just take this as some feedback and maybe give it some thought.


Thanks for your feedback, we have reduced the prices to a point where they don’t devalue the subscription and also to a point where they are affordable as a standalone for those who really want it

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Let me get this straight, you’re charging $55 for an subscription? For 3 maps? Wake up mate and take an example from Gabz… they charge 15$ for over 20 maps that are always highquality and full of custom props and the release every month something new! I understand that you have invested your time in it, but you must not stray from reality. I just watched your mlos on youtube and I feel sorry for the people who honestly spent so much money on empty mlos.

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First of all thats $55 AUD Gabz is in USD or Euro or some shit, which ends up being about $30 AUD. Secondly, there is currently 4 maps not 3 and there is still more to come, sure if we had had our subscription for ages then yes it would alot more maps. But we are new so we need time to build up our maps (our subscription covers all new releases and will not have its price go up in the slightest)
We are also serving a very specific niche which is Australian based brands and maps which is why our price is higher as we have a smaller market. Hopefully this is gives you a better understanding of the decisions we have made :slight_smile:

u have in those 3 maps, 2 Custom props and still charge 64 USD for the Map, man get over with it.

Stop making people pay so much for poor quality things… Like Albigaming98 said take Gabz as an example.

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Gabz makes content that can be used on any server, we make country and state specific maps which narrows our market. I don’t even know why im trying to convince you otherwise anyway, as long as our business is still selling which it is I don’t really care what you have to think as clearly you don’t understand. Also FYI our Australia post alone has 13 custom props along with automatic sliding doors.