[FREE] [MAP] Cayo Perico Dark Postal Code Map

A simple dark themed and high resolution postal code map + minimap of Cayo Perico.

It starts at 11000 so it can be used with other postal code maps
If you use [Release] Nearest Postal Script just replace the new-postals.json with my edited version to get the new postals to show up.
new-postals.json (144.1 KB)

A huge thanks to Xari0x for this release [Release] Black & White Postal Code Map & Minimap (Fixed) (Cayo Perico Included) (With & Without Cayo Bridge) that I used as the base for my map.

If you have any questions or requests just let me know.



| Code is accessible | N/A
| Subscription-based | N/A
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | None
| Support | Yes


Really awosome and clean ! Thank you !

I have a question, so If I want to make my own design of the map. How would I go about that ? How do you edit or what do I need to use to make it into a gfx ?

Awesome release !

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Nice Work exactly thats what i needed

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I got the idea and the “guide” from this post here.

Just follow that and you could do it. Just a heads up, it’s very tedious :sweat_smile: