[FREE] hunterXhunter - a hunting ressource for ESX

What’s in this resource

  • deers with horns will give you horns to sell /if deer without horns it does not give u anything - only deer gives horns
  • police get notifications and markers on map when illegally hunting / easy to configure custom notifications
  • add/remove animals to be hunted in config.lua check this file too see the default animals set to hunt
  • set as many legal hunting areas as you want
  • add/remove license check to allow player to hunt (this will prevent player from slaughtering animal)
  • add/remove custom item(default knifes) needed to slaughter the animal
  • set custom prices for (meat, horns, leather, cost of rent )
  • impossible to duplicate animal, synced between clients,
  • quantity of meat is initialized by first client and will not give more then the first initialized value even for another player
  • if an animal is caried, another player cannot carry the same animal
  • can not slaughter when animal is carried
  • rent a 4X4 vehicle to charge hunted animal on and take it to slaughterer, get redeemed when vehicle is returned
  • sell your goods
  • illegal hunting can be done everywhere in the map
  • player can not enter vehicle when carriying
  • if player dies while carriying, animal will fall
  • used ox_inventory Store to purchase items needed for hunt



HOW TO install

  • drag and drop



alt text


  1. shop
    hutingShop = {
		name = 'HUNTING SHOP',
		blip = {
			id = 470, colour = 3, scale = 0.9
		}, inventory = {
			{ name = 'WEAPON_KNIFE', price = 1500, license = 'weapon'},--add other licenses here 
			{ name = 'WEAPON_DAGGER', price = 2000, license = 'weapon'},
			{ name = 'ammo-musket', price = 400, license = 'weapon' },
			{ name = 'WEAPON_MUSKET', price = 50000, metadata = { registered = true }, license = 'weapon' }, 
		}, locations = {
			vec3(562.3336, 2741.6128, 42.8688),
		}, targets = {
			{ loc = vec3(562.3336, 2741.6128, 42.8688), length = 0.6, width = 0.5, heading = 189.0, minZ = 42.5688, maxZ = 43.8688, distance = 3.0 },
  1. ITEMS
	['leather'] = {
		label = 'leather',
		weight = 5000,
		stack = false,
		close = false,
		consume = 0

	['meat'] = {
		label = 'meat',
		weight = 1000,
		stack = true,
		close = false,
		consume = 0

	['a_c_deer_horns'] = {
		label = 'deer_horns',
		weight = 2500,
		stack = true,
		close = false,
		consume = 0




nice work bro

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hi is there way we can change ox_target to qtarget ?

Hello, d’ont use “qtarget”, ox_target it’s better…

Development on a replacement is ongoing at ox_target, which will try to implement some compatibility; however it cannot cover everything and will not attempt to patch poor-design decisions.

Some issues will be patched in qtarget if necessary, but it is dead (and should have been long ago).


There will be no animals on the map

what do you mean ?

The script its working good.

Tested on ESX 1.8.5.

yes but mu entier server run with qtarget for now if there is any way i can use this script with qtarget it will be fantastic

me to idk

You can use ox_traget, both uses similar exports and ox_target supports qtarget too. I too have almost all the scripts written in qtraget, using ox_target for better performance and everything work great.


yeah i know but it will take lot time for me now

is there way i can convert from ox traget to qtarget ?

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Love the script…is there a way to have multiple vehicles have animals on them…would like to have a police vehicle be able to as well so if poachers caught he puts it in the truck box…so if it can be set for multiple vehicles…guessing client/main around line 225 but not sure what it should say to put that in…any help would be sweet…Or the ability to put it on any vehicle

And for some reason no animals are spawning…trying to figure out why no deer in the hunting area or any animals

is there a way to have multiple vehicles have animals on them…
1.yes but you should add that by yourself only mesa3 model is supported by the script

would like to have a police vehicle be able to as well so if poachers caught he puts it in the truck box…so if it can be set for multiple vehicles…guessing client/main around line 225 but not sure what it should say to put that in…any help would be sweet…Or the ability to put it on any vehicle
2.the problem with that is you need to find where to attach each animal model for each vehicle model which is a lot of time to weist, maybe putting them in trunk is better because I think there is way to find where too attach them easily

And for some reason no animals are spawning…trying to figure out why no deer in the hunting area or any animals
3.this script is not spawning any animals, tested on esx legacy >= 1.7.5 animal are spawning on the map without adding anything, what you should do is to check if you have any script that deletes those animals and remove it or you can spawn them by yourself if they aren’t deleted

Do you know how that should look to “add it myself” as my scripting is noob… Im just wondering how it should look to have more then one vehicle…not looking for you to change your stuff but if you can tell me how it should look I can test it and place the positions of the animals… (“mesa3”, “xxxx”) didnt work so wondering if im missing something… do you know of what scripts off hand that would stop animals from spawning? or if anyone on here knows as I looked through and stumped…very thankful we have good support and people to help :wink:

animals aren’t appearing

i figured mine out (animals not showing up) and mine was another script

what script was it

for me it was gd_airport_ai_begone it was showing no animals and hikers

Is it possible to put more animals in the vehicle?

in short answer NO.