[FREE] Fivem Antipeak Script

This is a standalone resource for better gunfight mechanics in fivem.
This script will stop players from firing from corners with peak abuse, it will show a cross sign and no bullet will come from the gun while the condition meets peaking

Download: GITHUB


Courtesy: Roda_BlockX He also made a script for anti peak I will say this a improvement code over roda’s

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 102
Requirements standalone
Support Yes

You think stealing scripts and uploading them as yours is cool?

i m not sure if this was a existing thing but u can check the codes they are very different

where is the different? It’s the SAME, the same lines, the same EVERYTHING!

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:melting_face: damn


try to compare both codes where raycasting happening also the logic for compare boolean @baires23
keep both code side by side or compare by github

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very nice release brother, i hope u don’t mind if I improved the code readability and performance function

You ain’t done anything…