[FREE] [ESX] Welder Job FiveM


Full editable config
Progress Bar
Mini Game
Nh Context

UPDATED v1.0.0

Added blips on map
Added item sales


You have every script you see in the video in a file [necessary].
If you use scripts from the [necessary] file, it is recommended that they be started before job.
Whatever you do not understand, you have comments.
Just to say that this is not all, expect more updates.


Download the whole script again from github !

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Requirements No
Support Yes

This script is sooo :fire::fire::fire: bro. Good work keep it up

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nice bro

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Could you not spam TriggerServerEvent('esx_welder:paycheck') and get money?


A release with better protection will be released today. I think you should be happy with this protection, because someone doesn’t want to make this. If you don’t know how to make it, here you go ( [FREE] Trigger Protection )

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Thanks for your work, it looks nice!

A “how-to-install” section would be appreciated because there are several dependencies, and i’m not sure if order of start/ensure is relevant or not. Thank you in advance :smile:

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As I mentioned before, there is a file [necessary]. All the necessary scripts are there, but of course you don’t have to use them. You can easily replace the exports with your own scripts. If you use scripts from the [necessari] file, it is recommended that they be started before job. Enjoy.

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Thanks for your answer. I’ll give a try :slight_smile:

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You can limit the amount and the request from the trigger, don’t worry, I will release a version for it.

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should be “>” as when the recievemoney event called, players will still get banned as $100 is still considered below than $200

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[FREE] Server Guard Exploit and Trigger Protection - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

When I saw that there was a request, I prepared a protection for it, you can check it here.

hahahahaha, so do you really think I didn’t test the script before I posted it ?

hi can you make it for qbcore

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New update is here, read the note !

No sql?

You do not need sql for this script…

Think this can be actually reduced down a lot. Especially with dependencies as you have the thread in a no pixel target script that could be inside of the job and effectively using the same system as qTarget and maybe instead of using the config like you are you can have the 2 zones read from eachother in the config from one script instead of inside the np-target system.

I love this script great work, I think this could just use a little more love.

I have been working on it would it be okay to make a PR.

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Optimizing while we speak.

This will have one box zone for welding which all calls from the config and same for the blip. Making this easier on client.

Did you ever finish this?