[FREE] [ESX] TP DailyRewards

Compatible ESX Legacy, ESX 1.1 & 1.2.


This is a unique daily rewards script for your players with many features and optimizations in order to receive daily rewards.


  • Supports Multicharacters.

  • Supports +2544, +1920, +1680, +1600 and +1440 resolutions, 1440 is not the best since 1500 is the Daily Rewards Window resolution.

  • Daily rewards, such as items, weapons, money, black_money, bank including custom packages, That means, if you want to give multiple items, money or anything at the same time in a daily pack reward, you can create a pack in Config.RewardPacks called for example “clips” and add this pack as a reward type in order to give multiple items (in this pack i would give all magazine types).

  • Tooltips / Hover Text while hovering to a button, displaying item title and description (https://i.imgur.com/bQ65AEQ.png)

  • Max days for getting daily rewards are 28 (4 Weeks).

  • Some basic images are included (Suggested images size is: 128 x 91 | 128 x 128), otherwise displaying images will not be correct.


  • /dailyrewards - Allows you to open dailyrewards.

Make sure before starting the script to change the items in the config

Resmon Results: https://i.imgur.com/Un0mWk5.png

If the script doesn’t work properly or you don’t know how to set it up properly, the team will happily assist you.

Click here to download: Github

Check out our paid scripts on Tebex: Tebex


can u make this qbcore

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I cannot make it since I don’t have knowledge and never used this framework but if anyone has knowledge, then sure.

This is a pretty simple one to switch to QB. Will post it on here once tested.


sir this can change command to use keybind

Yes i can add this as an option

can sir do for me … i very need now .
i like u script sir … now i use script battlepass and daily

Of course, just give me few minutes and i will update it soon, i will inform you.

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thank you nice script

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thank you sir

You can now download it again, i added keybind system.

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thank you so much sir
this put number keybind or name keybind ?
like this Config.UseKeyToOpen = “38” or “E”

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Use only numbers, not letters and it should work fine.

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Switch to QB
Added qb-target and ped to get rewards, Command still works as well.

Change location of ped in config.

for any one who asks resmon with ui closed

resmon with ui opened is the same as OP



Looks like you didnt run the sql

QB version is working great for us! Thanks for the conversion!


it is running

It says clearly dailyrewards table does not exist

Also why you run it as TP-DailyRewards-main? It will never work if you don’t use the correct name of the script, it should be tp-dailyrewards