[FREE][ESX][RELEASE] esx_scuba



This resource handles scuba equipment for players with usable item and player ped component variation. Active when the component variation physically appeared (scuba light switch on/off included). Including different swimming style when swim fins equipped.


  • Scuba oxygen tank, provides ability to dive longer.
  • Tank capacity is configured with duration in seconds.
  • Tank refill feature, locations can be set in config.
  • Included with scuba flashlight on/off feature.
  • Scuba fins, provides different leg movement style while diving.



  • ESX


  • Custom streamed scuba ped component assets. This is required because original gta scuba component gives kind of infinite time diving underwater (no good for roleplay?).
  • ox_inventory (optional).


  • Other notification can be set in config.


  • Item images for ox_inventory not included.
  • Custom streamed scuba ped component assets resource is included, but replace method.

Access here:

Other post:
[ESX][FREE][RE-RELEASE] esx_realweapons


nice work i have a question that when we want to remove scuba kit how we can do it ?

Its a usable item, use it again and it should be gone

My problem:

its all untouched (i dont use oxinventory). How to fix this?

Yes, by use it again or drop/throw the item.

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Hi, what esx version are you using?

you are missing the esx_textui script

We are using Legacy

nice thank you

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You might want to update your esx legacy to newer version?

This script looks amazing.

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So i have not rally explored the ocean , but does this add fish , like wales and stuff in the ocean as well ? or is this a addon to make the ocean have more wildlife?

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No, this resource only manages the scuba equipment.

Anyone knows why am i getting this error?


Hi, I just realized esx_scuba only compatible with latest version of esx-legacy. I will do an update for compatibility issue with older version later.

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Hi, would you change oxygen as metadata for ox? Just asking :smiley:

Yeah possibly. But I have other things to do at the moment.

I’m using ev-hud, but with other scuba script it’s working fine…with yours it acts as i don’t even have the scuba equipped. I’m doing something wrong ?

EDIT : Solved !

can you tell - how you solved it ? Have the same Problem on Dx_Hud

In my case it was other issues on my end due to legacy update and other stuff.
But make sure you go and refill your tank, if you give yourself the item the tank will be empty and that’s why it’s not working. The script works fine.

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