[free] [esx | qbcore | standalone] tp advanced zombies

Updated to 1.3.0

Added a new system for zombies to target players because zombies are attacking the player without any limitations.

There is now an option in the config such as:

AttackPlayersOnShooting = true,
AttackPlayersBasedInDistance = true,

DistanceAttackData = {
    SleepTime = 1000,

    Crouching = 10,
    Walking = 35,
    Sprinting = 45,

Those options will allow you set the distance of attacking a player when sprinting, walking or crouching, same for when the player starts shooting, the zombies will target the player without any issue but keep in mind, if the player continue to shoot while being attacked, zombies will never stop coming unless he escapes without shooting.

For crouching, because many people (server owners) are having their own crouching script or might be different than the others, the only way to set the status for advanced zombies to receive when the player is crouching, is by triggering an event when player is crouching and when the player stopped crouching.

This is the following event.

TriggerEvent("tp-advancedzombies:setCrouchingStatus", <boolean>)

Boolean is the required data for setting it as true or false.


Updated to 1.4.0

  1. Currently removed a system that i used to have which would trigger an event when a player was getting online. This system could slow down many systems because it used in many functions and timers by looping. This system is useless since the zombies are not global but client side.

  2. Added a thread timer which is based for QBCore Framework, this timer is getting the player status, if he is alive or not in order to perform the animations which many people told me that nothing was happening.

  3. Fixed eating animation when player was dead, it used to cancel because of the distance system.



  1. Added an option to spawn zombies or not when the player is not inside a zone.

  2. Added an option to spawn extra zombie types in a zone and extra zombie spawning, that means, if you are spawning as default 20 zombies and you want a zone to spawn more, there is an option to increase the spawning in the selected zone.

  3. Improved some code functions based on QBCore.

+ Updated to 1.5.1

Added a system to remove the zombies loot after an amount of time if the player will not pick it up in order to prevent memory issues.


Hi, any chance of making a standalone version of this? I want to have a decent zombie script along these lines but removing the inventory system so i donā€™t have to implement a framework such as ESX or QBCore.

Many thanks!

I will give it a try! But some features as you said as looting, you will not have them since itā€™s for frameworks

Thatā€™s fine by me, thank you!

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We are now announce you that we support Standalone! The only thing that will not work as standalone is the loot rewards.

By The Titans Productions, we thank you and hope you enjoy our release, any improvements or suggestions are always accepted and respected.

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Youā€™re amazing, thank you so much

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Are you aware of how i would go about making hordes?

Hello, I hope these zombies can damage the durability of the vehicle. I will be very gratefulļ¼

Thereā€™s not a system of damaging vehicles when zombies are close, Iā€™ll see what I can do about this one


Added new system based on zombies insta kill when doing a headshot with a weapon, there is now an option in ZombiePedModelsData where you can modify any zombie you want to be killed instantly or not.


Added new zombie spawn rate system for zombies based on daylight or night time.

That means, during daylight, you can set 10 zombies to be spawn on the player and during night, to spawn 20 zombies.

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Should all users see the same zombies :confused: but it is very entertaining to practice aim, good job!

You can change that very easy but I have to make a system to make it more accurate, will see, many updates will come

thank you for this amazing script. I was already attempting to merge 2 zombie scripts to do this.

may i suggest possibly making it so the vehicles donā€™t disappear, it might be cool to see them in the streets all totaled and broken-down. , maybe even have a way to find a car battery item so you can repair only a few select vehicles.

nice release.
btw is possible to spawn zombie only in cayo and at main land spawn regular ped/vehicles as usual?

Yes, you can spawn the zombies wherever you want, there is an option for that and of course you can just donā€™t use the option in the config for traffic adjuster (disabling peds & vehicles).

But i donā€™t know how that can work because the ped skins are replacements, so the peds in the main land, some of them will have a zombie ped skin.

The only way of not having this issue, is just use specific peds which are not showed in main land, or making them as custom zombie peds.

have you been able to sync zombies yet with onesync so we can all see the same zombies and players can help each other out killing them ?

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How do I make the zombies not disappear when we kill them?

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