[free] [esx | qbcore | standalone] tp advanced zombies

Hello FiveM Community,

This is an advanced FiveM zombies script which provides you many features in purpose to enjoy and create a realistic zombie apocalypse server as much as possible.


  • ESX || QBCore Frameworks are required.

What does this script provide me?

  1. You are able to create and manage multiple zones based on your preference, such as Safezones, Redzones, etc. Those zones can be displayed with circular blips, block zombie ped spawning and preventing players to fight in those zones (if set to true).

  2. Zombie peds can drop loot based on your preferences, a zombie can drop weapons, items, money and black money by an option which is called LootRewardPackages, this option is allowing you to create multiple loot reward packages in order to be used in a specified zombie name / type when killing.

  3. Zombies can attack in hordes, they are also sprinting (running) and their health, damage or headshot modifier can also be configured and changed based on the zombie name / type.

  4. Zombie are performing an eating animation while the player is dead.

  5. Zombies can have custom speaking sounds.

  6. Traffic Adjuster (To block all the default fivem vehicles and peds / npcs).

  7. Player Statistics (Zombie Kills & Player Deaths) Ranking UI.

We also providing you 26 streamed custom zombie peds (ped replacements).

Player Statistics (Zombie Kills & Player Deaths) Ranking UI

  1. All the statistics can be seen in a UI when pressing a key or performing a command (Configurable). The statistics that will be shown are the TOP (20) Players & your player’s personal statistics.

  2. All statistics are being automatically updated by the system when there are new kills or deaths, including ranking.

  3. All the statistics are being saved in the database when a player leaves the game or when the script stops running.

  4. Fully responsive with all the screen resolutions.

  5. All the UI Locales can be modified in the following path: html > js > locales (All languages are supported).

  6. Supporting QBCore qb-ambulancejob script for death counting but on ESX you MUST manually call TriggerServerEvent("tp-advancedzombies:updatePlayerStatistics", "deaths", 1) in your ambulance script where function RemoveItemsAfterRPDeath() is called.

Q & A

Q: Why not despawning the zombies after looting and zombies are getting despawned on killing?

A: This system has been made like that in order to spawn unlimited zombies without any issues. If we despawn the zombies after looting, it can cause many problems such as not spawning zombies (if those zombies got killed and not looted) and thats the reason why it is better to despawn them at the same time the zombies got killed.


Github Download Link


By The Titans Productions, we thank you and hope you enjoy our release, any improvements or suggestions are always accepted and respected.


thank you nice sir… later i try work or not for version qbcore

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looks great ! well done ! :+1:

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@Nosmakos Amazing script! Well done.

I have a question about the Zones, Safe zone is okay, but what the point of other zones (Black and Red) there is no difference between then or with No-Zone. Maybe i missunderstood something.

And last but not least. Great Job, I really love zombies!!

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Hello and thank you very much for your kind words!

Let me explain, personally I want to have different zones such as Redzone, Darkzone, etc… mostly because in those zones, I am going to have good loot (not zombie looting), and any other kind of treasures.

This script is not exactly finished because I am planning adding an infection system and then an option for spawning different zombies in those areas, stronger and maybe increase their spawn rate and loot level.

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Hello @Nosmakos the script looks very cool, i am in the process of making a zombie server, it is really hard to find a zombie script, i like the way you going with this script, specially the infection part. I installed your script, i see the blips on the map of the red zones, black zones etc. But no zombies are spawning any where, is this has to do because of the version of qb core? Or is it something else, i dont have any errors on console of any kind, thank you for your time and hope i can use this script because it sounds really cool.

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Hello and thank you for the feedback,

At this moment i am not aware why zombies are not spawned, maybe you have an anticheat which prevents peds for spawning or automatically removes them?

Zombies should be spawned everywhere except the default safezones.

In your case, try to spawn manually a ped to see if its getting removed by an anticheat or another script, and increase in the config the spawn rate which is in the image below, the default is 5 zombies, make them 20, since you are not getting any errors that is probably because another script is interacting.

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@Nosmakos how to give this script work … i already go zone Stab City nothing function …
i no have see zombie come

No problem, i will try that and see. No i dont have any anti cheat script on the server at the moment, the server is totally qb core default. I am on your discord to if you want to post any issues on discord and not here.

The zombies are spawned everywhere actually, increase zombies spawn and tell me, make sure you have all the streaming files and also make sure server and f8 console is clean and no errors

Yes, you can contact me and I will reply tomorrow both of you because I am going at work at the moment, we can screenshare or anything because this sounds very odd

Hey, mine has loaded and i have the zones, but no zombies any where, zombie spawn count is set to 20, no idea how to spawn in a ped mind you, Any info much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

I have heard that one already by 3 people and some other do have zombies, I have to check this out to inform all of you

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I have the same issue on qbcore default server

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I will inform you all today

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hi there the zombies are not there for me to my server is qb core default no ant cheat on this server

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Hello everyone, the problem is now solved, you can download the latest update from github, it is now working for QBCore.

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thank you

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Todo List:

  1. Add custom zombie sounds when close to zombies.

  2. Spawn specific zombies on the selected zones.

  3. Infection System (Neck, Arms, Legs Infection).

  4. Zombies will hunt only when attracted to sounds or when close (I have to check this out).

  5. Option to spawn zombies or not when the player is not inside a zone.


Updated to 1.2.0

Added custom zombie sounds (speaking) when close to 1 or multiple zombies and of course you are able to add as many sounds you want but keep in mind, you need to register those sounds in the configuration file. Also, if you encounter any issues you can reply here or message me in private, the sounds are still in progress but as far i know, everything works totally fine (Keep in mind to play around with volume in order to find the lowest because it might be high for some people).