[FREE][ESX/QB/ND] Randolio: Trucking

ESX/QB/ND supported with bridge

Enjoy another freebie. Only reason I made this as I saw someone struggling with an outdated 3 year old resource and didn’t notice too many out there.

A modern trucking job with a built in queue system to generate new routes to all those in the queue every x amount of minutes. A player can have a max of 5 routes at a time, completion of a route will remove it from your routes and you will be paid. You can look at this as a way to have a job for the grinders in your server but limiting them to how much they can grind.

Manually clocking out will wipe all your current routes, remove you from the queue and delete your work vehicle and any trailers. You have the ability to abort your current route, if you happen to run into any trouble with the trailer. Routes are stored server side, so you can disconnect from the server, come back and your previous routes will still be there and will auto clock you back in on player load.

I considered adding a built in xp system but I’m aware most people have their own xp/skills system so you could probably integrate it and rework it yourself.

Showcase: Watch randol_trucking | Streamable
Link: GitHub - Randolio/randol_trucking: [ESX/QB] A modern trucking job with a built in queue system to generate new routes to all those in the queue every x amount of minutes.

Check out my previous release here: [PAID][ESX/QB/ND/OX] Randolio: Stash Houses

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No|
| Lines (approximately) | 500~ |
| Requirements | ESX/QB Framework & ox lib |
| Support | No |



  • Resolved a bug where the second run you did would tweak out. Redownload from github or check the commit history and adapt.

Pretty cool script with a lot of flexibility. Only things I’d consider changing is having to drive back to the depot to select your next route and the ability to use your own trucks. I was thinking of attaching the menu to an item like a tablet.


The drive back is the purpose of the script. You’re in a queue waiting anyway and it slows down the grinders in your server but still provides a job for them to do.

You’re welcome to make those changes for your own personal needs but it won’t be apart of my repo, sorry.


Id like to see a simple food delivery system aswell with ND support if possible. maybe different types of deliveries all in one?

I don’t really take suggestions/requests. I kinda just write what I feel like doing when I feel motivated. Sorrrry



any way to remove the trucks? to lets sayyy player owned vehicles? :smiley:

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So you want your players to be able to do the work with their own trucks so you don’t have to borrow one?

Yes, it is possible, you simply have to comment out lines 205 to 221 in cl_trucking.lua

I hope I could help you with this

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It’s a little more complicated than that. Line 89 and 149 need to be modified as they check if you are in the spawned in truck.

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No, but you can make those changes yourself.

Didnt work for me somehow!
All good.
But the routes never came … such a waste…

if you’re using legacy instead of one sync with infinity it will not work.

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that drive back is the killer of the script somebody show how to change that please

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Can somebody help please. So I clock in but then it dont allow me to see the routes or clock out etc

i made a code for it with target script

Thank you for such awsome script~! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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Dear friends,

I was thinking it wasn’t work because as for other users, I wasn’t able to get some routes after clocking in…

In fact, it is very much longer than in the video ^^
Now it’s perfect, and I think I’ll try to add some routes & features to this pretty cool script.

Many thanks :wink:

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dont work (you do no have any routes currently)

You have to wait several minutes and then the routes will become available :wink: