[FREE] [ESX & QB] Airdrop black market system

Airdrop Black Market System


If you have any suggestions/bugs you can write a comment on post.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400+
Requirements ox_lib & ox_target & esx/qb-core
Support Yes

Would be nice, if i can choose the amount of each item and that the shop dont closes if i put one item in my cart.

And the message there to go and the message for the falling airdrop didnt show up. And a flare at the position of the drop at ground will be a nice effect.

nice work :heart:

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Thank you for the suggestion. I will add that in next update.

Nice. Would it be possible to make the marker persistent like in deliveryjobs and in an other color maybe? If you are to fast you delete the GPS-Spot and if its the first ever delivery its hard to find its spot :wink:

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Just updated script you can find new version on my github :slight_smile:

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Just testing…
Feedback follows…

Works perfect.
But the flare could a little bit deeper

And the notification after i bought the items didnt show up

Thank you for feedback. text UI works fine for me and you can make it notiffication if it doesn’t work for you. Flare is high probably because you didn’t lower Z coordinate.

Okay, i changed it like shown in ther picture, now the information works perfect.

I lowered it :wink: - Only set the coords at “z” -1.0, then its even to the ground.

    --lib.showTextUI('Airdrop wird abgeworfen. Fahre zum Abwurfpunkt.')
    wayp = AddBlipForCoord(dropLocation.x, dropLocation.y, dropLocation.z)
    SetBlipRoute(wayp, true)
    SetBlipRouteColour(wayp, 66)

    SetBlipAlpha(blip, 0)

    local _, z = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(dropLocation.x, dropLocation.y, dropLocation.z, 0)
    if z == 0.0 then
        z = dropLocation.z
    local size = 1.0
    smoke = StartParticleFxLoopedAtCoord('exp_grd_flare', vector3(dropLocation.x, dropLocation.y, z-1.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, size, false, false, false, false)
    SetParticleFxLoopedAlpha(smoke, 0.8)

        while currentDrop do
            local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
            local distance = #(playerCoords - dropLocation)

            if distance < Config.DropRadius then
                TriggerServerEvent('blackmarket:spawnAirdrop', dropLocation)
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Hi when i get the box when i try to use guns it tell me it is broken

Must be depent on your used system how weapons get handled. With ox_inventory all works fine. What system you are using for weapons?

Works fine on both QB and OX. You need to edit function for recieving items depending on your inventory system.

im using qbcore and qb weapon

If you are using qb inventory it should work just fine

How can I change the interaction method to “E”?

I will make an update and add textui feature so you can choose wich one you want

I tried it and it works, but it has several problems

  1. If you enter the cart, and you have nothing added, if you click “confirm”, it will send it to you anyway, it does not give you items, but it should not happen.

  2. It’s not synchronized with other players, so if 2 people go, one sees the flare and the other doesn’t. This also gets corrupted, because when you enter the area and the airdrop is activated, the player who doesn’t see the flare, gets the corresponding notifications, but the box is duplicated and 2 appear, player 2 can only open his own and it won’t give him any items.

I would also suggest adding logs to the purchase order and when you pick up the items.

Just released 2.1.0 and that bugs are now fixed. Logs will be added very soon. Thanks for the feedback!