[FREE] [ESX & QB] Airdrop black market system

Are other players suppose to be able to access the crate if they get to it first? I tested it on my server and it seems like you can only access the crate if you bought it

Hey, everyone should be able to access it if you didn’t modify the script.

I haven’t modified it but currently only the player who orders the crate can open it. Other players can see it and they get the notification sayin someone ordered a crate but if they get to it before the player who ordered it hey cant open it

Hey, I forgot that when I created this I made it like that but on my server I fixed that. Sorry for waiting this long but I will fix that today/tommorow!


Nice script!

were you able to fix the issue with other players not being able to open the crate?

Heyy, just reviewed and tested script with my friend it should work for every player. BTW Sorry for not responding I totally forgot about this post because I’m working on a project right now.